Taehyung turned to look at the dagger and was soon pinned to the spot Jungkook had once been in.

"My dearest king," Jungkook said as he whispered into Taehyungs ear. Taehyung felt the Generals hands hold his waist down against the wall. He could feel Jungkook's leg cage him.

"The first rule is to never get distracted, you have failed."

Jungkook stepped back, noticing the wide eyes of the King.

"Dont ever- dont ever do that again, understood?" Taehyung said, trying his best to catch his breath.

Jungkook chuckled and nodded, raising his hands in defeat. "Be prepared to start training tomorrow. We wont do much due to your chest pains, but it should get you started."

"My chest pains are gone, the- well, the honey and mint mixture releaved the pain."

Jungkook looked at the King who had his hand on his own chest. 

"You tried it?"

Taehyung nodded, before turning around to leave but Jungkook stopped him.

"Wait, I have a question."

Taehyung slowly turned around and faced the man. Jungkook stepped forward and lifted his hand, making sure the King knew he meant no tricks.

"What was dipped into your dagger when we first met?" Jungkook asked as he showed the king the bruise on his hand that had cleary taken the shape on thorny vines.

"O-Oh, I forgot I had managed to cut you."

"What did you dip your dagger into?"

"Nothing General Jeon, nothing. That dagger was given to me as a gift from my father. He had it crafted by a witch who blessed it with God's word. The dagger burns the victim and leaves a design on the wound. I was meaning to ask something as well," Taehyung said, touching the Generals wound.

"You didnt flinch when I cut you, it should've burned when the blade touched you, but you didnt seem to mind it. Did you feel anything?" Taehyung slowly traced the thorny design that covered the scar, disguising itself as a bruise.

Jungkook felt the kings hands trace the design, but he suddenly felt heat go up to his cheeks. He pulled his hand back and cleared his throat in panic, not knowing why the room had gotten so hot.

"I-I felt nothing your majesty. However, as you touched it now, I feel really hot, like the temperature went up. Am I cursed now or what?" Jungkook said as he examined his hand and noticed that the design had suddenly expanded. He lightly chuckled through his embarrassment, hoping the King had not noticed it. However, he began to panic as he noticed the design begin to change at his words.

"Your majesty, what is happening?" Jungkook asked as he showed the king his palm.

Taehyung looked at the Generals hand once more and a sudden urge to lay his lips against the scar over came him, but he shook his head. What kind of King lays his lips on any part of his Generals body?

"I-I dont know. This has never happened before, I could ask Father Hope, he should know something about this."

"Should I call him in?" Jungkook was blind to the fact that Taehyung was staring his hand down while slowly and unconsciously licking his lips, Taehyung had surely lost his mind.

"Y-Yes, but, m-may I?" Taehyung asked as he held out his own hand.

He just had to place his lips over the scar, he had to. Jungkook looked at him with a confused face but he slowly placed his hand on the kings own. The warm hand aginst his own cold one was strange, but somehow comforting to him, but the scar had begun to burn him slightly, not enough for him to panic though.

Slowly, Taehyung brought the Generals hand up to his face, and while Jungkook thought he was looking at it closely, Taehyung was trying to resist from kissing the closed wound.


Jungkook was lost for words. Taehyung slowly pressed his lips against the scar and held it there for a few seconds too long than he needed to. Taehyungs cheeks were rosy with embarrassment, but he comepltely ignored his fathers rules in that moment.

As Taehyung held Jungkooks hand up to his lips, Jungkook felt his hand burn with a warm feeling, it wasnt uncomfortable but he was confused. He noticed Taehyungs eyelashes flutter a bit before the King closed his eyes and nearly began to suck on the Generals cold skin.

(A/N: Get your head out of the gutter.)

With a soft sound, Taehyung lifted his lips from the Generals hand and he quickly stepped back when he noticed what he had done.

"I-I am so sorry, I should go-"

"Taeh- your majesty!" Jungkook said, grabbing Taehyung hand. But the King had taken his hand back and was already out of the room before Jungkook could stop him, running towards his chambers.

Jungkook ran after him but was stopped by Father Hope, who stood in front of his door.

"What happened son?" Father Hope looked at the King who had passed by up the stair case, noticing the Generals rosy cheeks.

"I-I dont know. The king k-kissed my scar from his dagger and," he said, looking down at his hand to find no mark,"and now its g-gone." He whispered his last words, noticing his pale hand once again.

"His dagger is a mystery to even me son, but to have the mark lifted from your skin is really something I never wouldve thought would happen. No one should survive a wound from that dagger, even a little scratch," the priest said, remembering the day he saw the young man's hand with the mark. He had been confused but now it made sense.

"It seems as though the King had no intention to hurt you when he wounded you. I see that as the only possible explination for why you are even alive. Now for the way he removed it, I have no idea son," the priest finished, excusing himself and walking towards the church. He had planned on talking to the General, but his meeting could wait a while longer.

Jungkook stood there with his eyes on his palm, and a small smile began to form on his lips.

"Why did I kiss his palm?"

Taehyung had been pacing his room for the past half hour trying to remove the sensation of the Generals skin against his lips, but nothing he was doing was taking it away.

"W-Why?" he said, suddenly catching his reflection in the mirror.

"Father, what is happening?"

"A king should resist any urges, I failed father."

A knock pulled him away from the mirror. He slowly looked over at the door and heard the same knock again.


He panicked as he noticed his rosy cheeks in the mirror, praying to God that it wasn't a maid who came to deliver his dinner. He wouldnt be able to handle such embarrassment. However, the heavy knocks continued and soon Taehyung had a nervous knot growing in his stomach.

He knew who was behind that door and he wasnt keen on opening it, but his cheeks and heart said otherwise.

For the King (Vkook/Taekook)Where stories live. Discover now