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I woke to my alarm going off. I rolled over on my bed not realizing I was at the edge of my bed and fell to the floor. It hurt, but, I fell back asleep instantly.

I once again woke up, but this time I was being shook. I opened to see Nicholls in front of me.

"Charlotte get up, we have to go. You can get ready in the bus."

He helped me up of my floor. I smiled, grabbed my bags, and walked out of the hotel we were staying in, and to the bus.

We walked onto the bus, where the rest of the band was. Everyone was already fast asleep and had claimed their bunks. It was 5:00 am, anyways.

I took the one under my brother, Oliver, and Nicholls took the one above Lee. We fell asleep fairly quickly.

Me and Oliver woke up before anyone else, since we were used to it. We used to wake up before our parents, so that we were free to do whatever

"Good morning, Charlotte," Oliver said, stretching.

"Morning Oliver." I said while yawning at the same time.

He let out a little chuckle.

"You sound so weird when you do that."

"Oh shut up, at least I'm not funny looking."

He gave me that look that means 'what did you just say?'

"That's right I just said that."

"I would tackle you right now but I don't want to wake anyone." He whispered.

I walked away into the lounge area. Oliver followed. We turned the TV on real quiet and watched a movie.

After we finished the movie Nicholls walked in and sat next to me.

"Morning Sykes."

"Morning." Me and Oliver said at the same.

Matt laughed.

"So what's for breakfast?" He said sounding half asleep.

"There's cereal." I said pointing at the kitchen area.


He got up and went into the kitchen area.

"Matt could you grab me a bowl of lucky charms?"


He sat back down and handed me a bowl of cereal.

"So you ready for warped tour?"

I looked at him jokingly.

"Duh! All my favorite bands are going. Its going to be probably the best year ever, not to mention the parties you throw"

Oliver smiled.

"Yea, I don't think so little girl"

"Little? I'm 26 Oliver!"

Matt and Oliver both laughed.

"Yea, but crazy shit can happen at these parties, and I don't think my little sister should go" he said emphasizing the word 'little'.

"Oliver..." I said giving him the look that meant I was against everything.

He and Nicholls laughed hysterically at that. Of course.

I looked at Oliver with the puppy dog face and turned into the opposite of my normal me.

"Don't do it Charlotte." He looking away.

I turned to Matt. I looked straight into his eyes.

"Come on Oliver it's so cute. Just look at her."

I looked back towards Oliver and he looked at me.

"Ah fine you can go to the parties."

"Yes thank you Oli." I said while hugging him.

"Well you know I can't say no to that face." He said with a chuckle.

By the time we had finished eating the rest of the guys where up.

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