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Just before the sun rose, Edgar and I prepared to leave for the palace. Sid and Teresa were also awake to say goodbye to us.

"Miss Lera, Miss Lera! Make it there safely, okay? I want to meet you soon." Sid said as I gave him a big hug. "I'm going to miss you too, Sid." I said and turned to say thanks to Teresa as well for her hospitality.

As a wife, Teresa was most definitely going to be worried since Edgar was going to accompany me back into that den of wolves.

"Thank you so much." I said to Teresa to which she gave a warm smile. "It would be my utmost pleasure, Princess Lera. Think of it as a repay for saving Sid."

"Unfortunately, I'm no longer a princess. I have long lost my title of royalty. I am just Lera now." I said as memories of having stripped off of everything I had flashed through my mind.

Teresa gently patted on my shoulder. "You're still more than a princess to us. Don't ever doubt that. And make sure to win against those whacky nobles!" She winked and I giggled.

As I got onto the carriage, I could see Edgar turning to Teresa. "Make it back home safe, alright?" Teresa said and I noticed the tears that were visibly welling up in her eyes.

Edgar nodded and the two shared a hug. It was such a sweet and tragic scene. What should I say when I meet Izana again? It has been two days now.

Edgar got on the carriage and took off as I waved back at the two left behind. They waved back. I kept waving until I could no longer see them. Finally, I could go back to the palace.

And I will make sure to bring everything to justice.


Izana's P.O.V

"Your Highness, are you really not going to change your mind at all?" Haki asked to which I did not respond to. She let out a sigh.

She turned to leave from the study. "I had hoped to see you and Lady Lera be married. What a turn of events this had been..." Then, she went out of the room.

I looked up from the documents I was reading. I chose this path myself. And it was all for Lera. No. It was just my own selfishness to take her to safety.

I wanted to see her. I wanted to take her in my arms and embrace her. Even then, all had been lost. At least she would get to live a life safe from all these burdens.

Looking out of the window, I could see the village from above. I felt like I saw Lera running across the streets.

I rubbed my eyes and looked again but couldn't find her. Maybe it was just a hallucination after all the stress I had been under and the longing for Lera's touch.

Just then, someone came barging through the door. "Brother, what do you mean by marrying Anri!? Lera is being taken to Tanbarun and there would be no way she could return once she pass the borders!"

It was Zen. A furious and emotional Zen. He had always been this way. He let his emotions get in the way and make himself a troublemaker.

But in the very least, he didn't end up becoming a cold-blooded manipulator like me. He was able to express what he wanted and how he felt while I kept everything in.

As it was expected of the First Prince of Clarines. Perhaps it was all for all the sins I had committed to become a decisive and conscientious king.

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