Feeling Death

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Birds were chirping in the trees, flowers were blooming, and the smell of fresh strawberries hung in the air. Basically, it was a perfect summer day at Camp Half-Blood. All of the campers were outside enjoying the fresh air. Well... all but one.

Nico di Angelo was still off in the land of sleep. He happened to be having a pleasantly dreamless sleep. So of course, it had to be ruined by 'the feeling'. 'The feeling' that tickled at the back of his mind every day. A low buzzing in his head he could never escape. 'The feeling' of people dying.

Nico woke with a start and fell out of bed. A lot of people had just died all at once. And he could 'feel' it. They were arriving at Charon's ferry. Soon they would be judged. There was a massive hurricane in the Caribbean. And people were dying by the thousands. The low buzz turned into a sharp stab. Nico hated natural disasters. Too many people died. Didn't the gods care?

Nico painfully picked himself up off the floor and sat on his bed. He knew that with a disaster of this magnate the death count wouldn't start to slow down for at least a few hours. Hopefully, by that time more people could be transferred to hospitals. All Nico could do was wait as his brain was continuously bombarded by the extra deaths. He curled into himself on his bed and started to cry. Why couldn't it all stop?

~time skip~

Somehow Nico had managed to fall asleep for about an hour. When he woke up his head still hurt like Hades. There was no way that he was going to be going outside and doing activities today. He heard the bell ring for lunch and his stomach instantly became queasy. He wasn't really wanting food right now either.

His stomach continued to hurt until it got unbearable. Nico barely had time to turn onto his side and barf into the trash can next to his bed. His aim was a little off, but it was better then it being all over his blankets. He then rolled back over and stared at the ceiling. What he wouldn't give to stop all the death in the world. He could feel these people's souls traveling to the Underworld. They weren't ready to die. Many of them were kids. Kids that could have grown up to do many great things. But now they never would.

These ideas went through his head as Nico continued to stare at the ceiling. He tried to go back to sleep but the pain was worse now. Tears started streaming down his cheek. He didn't even have enough energy to wipe them away.

It was times like these that he was very grateful that Hazel and he did not have all the same powers. He had first noticed it after the giant war.

Once the battle was over he had a headache. Not too many people had died but because Nico was so close to them when they did it made it worse. As soon as the headache started he went to find Hazel. He figured she hadn't experienced too many of these, so he wanted to help her through it.

However, when he finally found her she seemed fine. She was helping Piper tie a bandage around her arm. Once she had finished Piper went off to find Jason. Nico sat down next to her. "How are you holding up?"

"I'm good." She smiled at him sadly "How are you?"

He didn't want to tell her the truth if she really wasn't in pain like he was. "I'm fine." He knew he just had to find out though. "What do you think happened to Leo?" he asked as a test.

"He's not dead if that's what you mean." She answered. "I can feel it."

"How so?" he continued.

"Well..." she thought for a second "it's hard to explain. So, I think of Leo, what he looks like, his name, stuff like that, and then I can tell if he is in the Underworld. If he isn't then I guess that means he isn't dead. But I'm sure you already knew that."

Feeling Death (A Percy Jackson One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now