Just a dream

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"Hey, sayang, turn around. Please." I called out

"I'm sorry but I can't. I need to go." the girl replied

I can't see her face but her voice, it sounded so familiar. I can't tell what's going on but I can tell that she wanted to leave.

I don't know why I called her "sayang". It's not like I have any girlfriend.

"No, please stay with me. Just for a bit. Then I'll send you home."

"I'm sorry, I can't. I have to leave." she sobbed weakly

"Why? Tell me why do you have to leave?"

"I'm sorry, I don't think we can see each other again after this."

My jaw dropped.

"I'm... I'm sorry, what did... what did you just say? It wasn't clear, could you repeat that?" I asked while trying to clear my throat

"We can't see each other anymore. I just like him more."

"Him? Who? Just who is this guy? What does he have that I don't? Haven't I give you enough?"

"I'm sorry. The puzzles, us, we just dont seem to fit. I'm sorry, Bye..."

Her voice slowly fades away.

"Hey, wait. Please, come back." I shouted

She's nowhere to be seen anymore.

"Please come back and stay. What did I do wrong?"

Still no reply.

I dropped to my knee and just started to shout into the void and cried hysterically.

"Why... why... why... stay."

I wanted to say something but it was hard. Then I just shout


Then my eyes lit up with my body shooting up. I start gasping for air while hugging myself.

"Fuck, nightmare..." I whispered while trying to get my breathing back to normal.

"Why does it have to be my worse fear?"

I have always been scared of losing people, especially love ones, it's my biggest fear before ranidaphobia, this is why I try to be nice to everyone.

"Who was that girl anyway? Why did I call her "sayang"? I don't have any girlfriend but her voice, why does it sound so familiar?" I whispered

My breathing returned back to normal. I look at my phone, to look at the time. It was 1:23 am.

I got up and took my shirt off and head for the shower to clear myself. Plus, we do have to be ready for the hot air balloon thing by 2:30 am or so.

"Who ever she was, I have to do much better. You! You have to do much better, kiddo, or else, you'll start to lose people,one by one." I said to myself

I have always talked to myself. Just to motivate myself to do better.

"I just hope it wouldn't be you..." I whispered

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Aug 15, 2014 ⏰

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