My "Aiskrim"

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"In a couple of minutes we will be arriving at Eyüp Pierre Loti. We are going to have to use cable cars to get to the top of the mountain..." said Syahrul

If you look out the bus windows, on the right is where we will go, there loads of tombstones, and on the right is a river.

As soon as the bus came to a stop, everyone got down from the bus. Then we head to where the cable cars were.

Syahrul got us the tickets and we went to line up, just so that they could check that we had the tickets. The group spread into two because there weren't enough space for everyone to get on.

My family, myself, Aisyah and some Turkish couples went on the next one after the first group left. It only took a couple of minutes to get to the top.

As soon as we get to the top, I had to use the toilet. So I got off and quickly searched for the toilet.

After i finished using the toilet, I head to where everyone was gathering. When I got there, I can see that not everyone were there. I guessed they had to use the toilets too.

I took photos of everyone. The moms asked me to take photos of them with the river as their background, so I did. The river itself is so beautiful. The water glistened so bright because of the sunlight.

"I think everyone's here now. So as you can see there's a river behind us. It's called the Bosporus river. Let me tell you what happened here long time ago..." Syahrul explained in precise detail about what happened there.

I looked at Aisyah, she's smiling. I took photos of her. She's looking at her phone, I don't what she's looking at but it must be something interesting.

After Syahrul finished explaining about the history of this place, he told us that we could walk around for a bit. I just followed everyone,  taking photos of them.

I stopped at one of the stalls. It sells ice creams. I got one for myself and so did Amri. We saw a green parrot beside the stall and went to it. Amri kept on saying things so that the parrot will repeat what he said but it didn't.

I turned back and saw Aisyah. She's looking through some lockets. It got initial and a heart shape like A♡H or H♡I. I saw her holding on in her hand.

"A heart A? who's this guy? She likes someone? Who's this lucky bastard? but wait... my initial is also A. So it could be me..." I whispered, to myself, with a smile on my face.

I left them and went to explore the place more. I walk towards the graveyard but there was nothing. Only more graves. So I went back and saw that everyone was heading to the cable cars to head down.

I quickly went behind Aisyah and walk with her. When had to use the escalator to go to where the cable cars were. Now there's suddenly more people than before. Syahrul haven't got enough tickets. So we had to wait.

After a while, Syahrul came with the tickets. It's like a coin, orange in colour. We passed it around and everyone got one. Now we are able to get on the cable cars.

After everyone got down, we all head to the Eyüp Sultan Camii. We walked there because isn't that far. On the way to the mosque, you can see all the graves at the sides but after a while of walking, we can see stalls lining up.

When we arrived infront of the mosque, I realised that not everyone was there. So we had to wait. Soon they arrived, with sweets. They passed it around and Syahrul started explaining things about the mosque.

After he finished, we all head inside to pay a visit to the tomb of Eyüp and some head inside for prayer.

After i finished, I ask Amri to take a walk with me. We were just walking around and taking photos. As soon as we turned around to head in the other direction, I saw Aisyah and Amirah entering a shop, a phone shop, but we kept walking.

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