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As soon as we arrived at Ihlara Valley, I started taking photos. Aisyah was just beside me, helping her mom putting milk in Muhammad's bottle.

"Take photos of everyone too." asked Mom

"yeah, i know. I'll take lots, don't worry." I replied

As soon as the guide called us, we head to where he was, by the map of the valley.

"We are here now. We will go down 400 steps to go to the Under Tree church. Then we will go to the Snake church. Then we will rest at Tea Garden." said the guide

You can hear constant sarcasm just after the guide said "400 steps" but that's just going down, not the whole valley.

We started going down the steps right after he finished talking.

I kept taking photos as we were walking down. I kept taking quick glances at her, Aisyah, every once in a while. I did notice her looking at me once. Well, I think she did.

Once we arrived at the Under Tree church, the guide explained why the church is there, how they designed it and why it was damaged but i never really listened. I kept looking at Aisyah, who was beside me. I wish she stays by me like this, forever.

As we started walking again, we were able to see a water stream. We stopped there for a bit to take photos of the whole group.

We continued walking by the stream. Everyone constantly took photos. We stop once and then to listen to the guide.

We arrived at the Tea Garden after we saw a donkey. We rested there for a bit. Everyone ordered drinks and got some pancakes. The kids played by the stream and soaked their feet in the stream.

We continued to walk after we finished eating.

"Go up to her and ask her about it. If she says no, then it isn't a problem, you'll work it out. If yes, then it's great. Just go." I said to myself

I went up to Aisyah, pulled my phone out and showed here the message that I sent to Eusoff, the bit about where I said that she used to like me in La Palace.

"Is this true? I mean do you still like me?" I asked as I look at her

She seems nervous. Well, who wouldn't be? It was so abrupt, like I just come out of nowhere and randomly asked her that. Stupid me.

"I don't know." she replied

"huh? what does that mean?"

"I don't know. I just don't know."

We kept walking afterwards, like nothing happened.

"hrmm. I don't know huh? that's not a no and not a yes. Well, since she didn't say no, that means she does have feelings for me right?" I thought to myself, with a grin on my face. Proud of myself, though I do feel a bit stupid because it was super random.

We walked for a bit and then we stopped at a water source. It came from the mountain.

"This water is good for our health. For our heart. For our teeth. It contains calcium..." I said to Kak Ika and Aisyah.

Luckily I remembered about hard water and the advantages of it. Science stuff.

As other tourist group approached, Aisyah moved beside me. I guessed she was fine with my question earlier. That's good because I don't want it to be awkward between us.

We soon reach a restaurant named Anatolia. We ate our lunch there.

Right after we finished eating, we got on the vans and head to Selime Castle.

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