Before Turkey

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"Hey, you got plans for the spring holiday? or you just gonna study for the exams?" asked Eusoff as he approached me from the back

"hah, study? are you kidding me? What have you done to the real Eusoff huh? Where the fuck is he?" I replied jokingly

He bursted into laughter. "So you're just gonna sleep the whole two weeks then? Or play game?"

"nah, I'm actually going to Turkey with my family and a few others. I think Aisyah's, E-kiut's family is going and some others..."

"Woooooww,  Aisyah huh? I bet you're gonna date her soon. She's kinda cute, you know? I'm happy for you that you'll be moving on at least."

He's giving that face that he does when he knows something good is going to happen. I'm not saying he got powers or something, it's just that he just got this thing where he can tell stuff about me. Well, that's what you call true besties right? Where the other knows you more than you know yourself.

"Ha. Ha. Very funny." I replied while smacking his head. "I moved on alright but that doesn't mean I'm gonna fall for Aisyah. I mean we don't even know much about each other bruh. Well the flight is tomorrow. We'll see what happens then."

"Wahhh, I wanna go too... It's boring here in Qatar man, nothing much to do and I got no one..."

There was a sudden silent between us for a bit

but then he blurted out

"Oh yeah Sabrina said to ask you to pass on the book 'Insurgent' and 'Allegiant' to me once you finished it."

"huh? how can I? I'll be far away from you... No problem man, I'll give to you once I get back to Qatar again. I'll message her later to tell her that."

"Sure thing then. Oh I think I got to go man, my mom is gonna go rage if I get home after maghrib. Cya then. Have fun in Turkey with Aisyah." he said while laughing

"hah. Nothing is gonna happen between me and Aisyah la... I think. cya then. I'll try to call you once I get connection there to tell you what's going on later..."

Then I realised he was already a few meters away from me, heading home.

"Aisyah huh? quite a nice name. hrmm but she's quite short, isn't she? Well, short people are cute."

I said to myself with a smile on my face.

"I think she used to have feelings for me back when she was in La-palace. hrmm not quite sure but ill asked her about it later then, in Turkey."

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and saw there was like literally 10 missed call from my mom and thought to myself

"hoh, crap. I'm dead."

Then sprinted home as fast as I could.


Few minutes after maghrib prayer, I jumped onto my bed and got my phone to message Sabrina.

She is a malaysian girl who I had crush on since year 9 and that was 2 years ago, I'm in year 11 now. She's very smart and i don't know how I fell for her but I just did. Things got awkward between us at the start of this year but it's a bit okay now since she knew I moved on. I never knew why she didn't accept my feeling but that's in the past now, so I don't really mind anymore. I'm grateful to her though. She was the person that made me more confident.

"Hey, Sabrina did u tell Eusoff to ask me to pass on the books to him? well I can't give it to him in this holiday. I won't be here, I'll be Turkey."

A couple of minutes later my phone beep. I got a message.

"Oh, Turkey? I've been there before. When are you going? About the books, just settle it between you guys."

"yh, sure. I'm going tomorrow. You've been there? How was it, the place and the food?"

We texted each other for quite a while but it was nothing important.

After a while she told me she have to go and wished me a safe flight and a nice holiday.

"Along! come and help me finish packing up the things we need for Turkey." my mom yelled.

Along is what my families and relatives call me. It's what some malaysian call the oldest son or daughter of the family.

"yh, yh. I'm coming." I rushed to her as fast as possible.

She is quite annoying, get mad easily and always order people around but she's my mom. I love her as she is.

After helping her pack up, I went to brushed my teeth and went to sleep, wishing that something great will happen to me in holiday.


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