Guide to: Turning the Good Girl Bad ~~ RULE

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"WHAT?!" Leah spat out her drink all over the floor. Kieran smirked at me before grabbing my wrist and holding up my hand to show them my ring along with his own

"Oh my god!" Squeled Sophia, being loud for the first time

"When?" Xavier asked shyly

"Last night at the ball" Emilee yelled, making everyone look over to us. It would have been fine if Kieran had let go of our hands before everyone turned to look at us and they might not have noticed our rings.

But they did.

Soon enough, Kieran was dragged off my some of his 'friends' and I had girls crowding around me

"Where did you get engaged?"

"What's he like in bed?"

"How did you get him?"

"Where did you meet?"

"How did he purpose?"

Emilee and her gang of friends managed to get me away from the crowd and into the girls bathroom. There was not anyone in there since Ben and Xavier had decided to occupany us aswell so all the people was was there, was not now.

Ben just stared at the ground the whole time. Xavier, shly, asked a few questions but the interegation was more up to Leah and Sophia. Emilee just leaned against a sink and smirked.

I was interegated for another hour until the bell rang and we were forced to part; except Leah and I who had the same lesson next.


Great. (not)

It was even better when we walked into the class and as Leah took her seat, I looked around and noticed that the only seat was next to the one person I didn't want to sit next too.


"Sweetie!" He called out to me. I fake smiled and walked over, sitting in the seat next to him. He leaned across and kissed my cheek, probably because everyone was staring at us anyway.

"What are you playing at" I whispered into his ear

"Just being nice"

"No. You are being creepy" He pretended to be hurt but I ignored him as the teacher entered.

"New student?" She smiled at me


"Well... come and stand here and introduce yourself" her blood red lips staying in the same grin

"Hi" I stared "My names Tori and I'm new" At that very moment the worst possible thing happened. Kieran came and stood by my side.

"And she's my fiance" He smirked at the rest of the class who had only heard rumors and now their thoughts were confirmed

"Well... that was new" The teacher said as we both sat back down, Kieran still smirking at me.

The lesson went by with yet again, more annoying jokes from Kieran and whsipers from others. It was annoying to say the least and that is coming from a person who rarely gets annoyed and it is all Kierans fault.

"So babe" Kieran yelled just so people could hear "What shall we do tonight?" I collected all my things up and walked along side Kieran to his bike

"I do not know"

"What happened to don't?"

"I don't know, Kieran" we reached his bike and he handed me the other helmet. I placed it carefully over my hair since it was not too bad and he started the motorcycle.

"Hop on" I climbed onto the back of it and put my arms about Kieran. There was people staring at us as we drove away but I was not too bothered. It was nice to have the wind in my hair and on my face. It was refreshing.

"Tori" I heard my name being called "Tori. Tori" I looked up to find us already at the apartment. "You can let go now" He laughed as I took my head away from his back. Getting off his bike, he lifted me off and we went up to the apartment.

"Bottom cupboard, top shelf on the left" He told me, putting his keys in the bowl on the table

"What is there?"

"You'll see" I went over to where he had instructed and found three massive bags of popcorn.

"These?" I held them up and he nodded, fiddling with the tv. I brought them over and placed them on the sofa "What are these for?"

"We're building castles" he said sarcastically. I tilted my head to show my confusion "Movie marathon!" He yelled

"What is that?" And that's when we spent the next hours watching all four of the Shrek movies while munching on the massive bags of popcorn.

Maybe he wasn't so bad after all.

Guide to: Turning the Good Girl BadWhere stories live. Discover now