Chapter Two

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Chapter 2

That night, I had a hard time sleeping. My sleepless nights had become more frequent over the past month or so. However, this time, instead of my sleep being raked by dreams about Dylan, all I could see was Cole Saunders gorgeous face.

Eventually, I gave up on sleeping, and looked at the watch on my bedside table; it read 12 am. I growled. This was getting absolutely ridiculous! I needed to see someone about my insomnia.

I got up and decided to go for a walk outside. My parents wouldn’t mind; well, not that I know of anyways. I was in my shorts and a tank top. Since it wasn’t too cold, I decided to walk in these clothes, there weren’t many people out and about at this time of night anyways.

I picked up the keys from the coat hanger and walked outside onto the street. I wasn’t particularly worried; our neighborhood was one of the safest in the town. As I walked out into the cool air, I couldn’t help but think about Dylan.

The Dylan I had fallen in love with was a sweet and shy boy who loved to read and stay back at home. He hated being the center of attention and the topic of the day for the school gossip mill. Where had that boy gone?

All of a sudden, I felt like crying, but restrained myself. Being weak wouldn’t help me at all. I jogged to the nearby park, well aware that there would be no kids at this time of night. As I walked up to the swings absentmindedly, my thoughts were occupied by another boy whom I met just today.

Cole Saunders: a sexy name for a sexy boy.

I snapped out of my trance when I heard someone clear their throat. My face scrunched up in confusion wondering who could be out and about at this time of night. I looked around only to find none other than Cole Saunders… looking at me like I was a crazy psychopath who belonged in the mental hospital.

I straightened my back, and looked him straight in the eye. Keeping my voice empty of any emotion, I broke the silence. “Hey,” I said.

He nodded at me, the astonished expression never leaving his face. “What are you out at this time of night?” He asked in a curious tone.

I answered without faltering, “I should be asking you the same thing.” My eyebrow raised, and I studied him. He looked as though he had just gotten out of bed too.

He smiled, almost in approval. For some reason though, this made me angry. I didn’t need his approval!

“Touché,” he replied.

I scoffed, “whatever!”

I ignored his gaze and sat down on the swings. He decided to sit down next to me. I turned to him and raised my brow. He simply shrugged.

Whilst I was calm and cool on the outside, inside I was dying with curiosity. Not many people decided to take a walk at midnight unless they had something troubling them. I would know. However, in the presence of a good-looking boy like him, I was glad I had decided to tie my hair in a decent plait.

We sat in silence for a good while, and while it wasn’t awkward, it wasn’t particularly comfortable either. I wanted to strike up a conversation, but was at a loss of words. Finally, I decided to stick to the safe route: “What brings you and your sister here?”

His whole body went rigid, which only increased my curiosity ten-fold. After a moment, he relaxed his posture, but his mind still seemed pre-occupied. “Problems,” was all he said. I wanted to press him more, but decided to let it slide.

I nodded my head at him, indicating that he didn’t need to explain if he didn’t want to. He smiled a relieved smile and my breath caught in my throat. His whole face seemed to brighten up and made him seem much more good looking. I averted my gaze, in fear of being caught starting.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2012 ⏰

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