Because Elincia was a sorceress, she had access to the sorceress suite, which was reserved specifically for sorceresses. It had the same setup as usual. The suit was about fifteen meters wide and ten across, contained a bed, a divan, and a bar with a few alcoholic beverages. As they entered the room, Elincia wandered over to the divan and sat down.

"So the next stop is Megaloton, and then...?"

"And then we'll pass straight through Cassadinia without stopping and arrive in Dorumhold." Caspian walked over to the divan as Elincia reached down and slipped off her boots. She raised her left foot and set it on her leg, then began massaging it. "I had us travel here instead of taking a more roundabout approach that didn't involve walking because this train will go straight to Dorumhold after passing through Cassadinia and several smaller towns. It will take about two days."

"That doesn't sound too bad." Elincia's ears wiggled as she continued putting pressure on the pads of her foot with her thumbs.

"It's not bad at all considering how far we're traveling," Caspian agreed as he sat down. Elincia placed her foot on the ground, then raised her other foot. Her cute little toes wiggled as she began massaging it again. "Listen, Ele. I was thinking about what we should do when we reach Dorumhold, and I think it would be best if you and I went in disguise."

"Disguise?" Elincia tilted her head.

"An elven sorceress and a young knight with red hair are pretty distinguishable, especially now that Sylvia has made the announcement about you," Caspian said. "If we travel into Dorumhold looking like this, everyone will soon learn about us. I'm sure Marquis Hunnington will hear about us too. If that happens, he will do his best to cover up his slave trading operation for as long as we are there."

Elincia nodded as she followed along. "But if we go undercover, Marquis Hunnington won't have a reason to be suspicious that someone is onto him and therefore won't be on guard."

"I'm sure he'll still be cautious." Caspian shrugged. "You can't have a slave trading operation in the works if you aren't, but he won't be cautious of us. It's the difference between someone who is walking on eggshells and someone who is walking through a cavern filled with sleeping Daemons."

"I understand." Elinca thought about his words for a moment, crossing her arms and wiggling her ears. She nodded several seconds later. "In that case, I can have Loki cast an illusion over both of us. We'll completely change our appearance into other people so no one will even know who we are."

"That's a good idea," Caspian agreed.

After making their initial plans, a silence soon descended in the room. A train horn resounded to them from outside. Then the train began slowly moving as it left the station, picking up speed as it continued traveling along the tracks.

Elincia set her foot back on the carpet, scooted closer to Caspian, and leaned over to place her head on his shoulder. Caspian smiled as he tilted his head to let it rest against Elincia's. He reached out with his hand, finding hers, and laced their fingers together.

"Hey, Caspian?" Elincia said suddenly.


"If we had kids, what do you think they would be like?"

Caspian was startled by the question, but he didn't jerk away from her, which was what his instincts were telling him to do. He tightened his grip on her hand. Despite not really wanting to think about it, he did his best to think of an answer.

He came up blank.

"I don't know, but I think we're a bit too young to be thinking about kids right now."

"I know. I'm not saying that because I think we should have kids right now." Elincia shifted. Her thigh brushed against his and her long locks of silvery blonde hair trailed down his shoulder. "It's just that I began thinking about it after hearing about Margarett's circumstances."

"I figured as much."

"Elves don't have kids very often," Elincia continued in a soft voice. "In exchange for being such a long-lived race, our ability to produce children is stymied. I was told by my parents that elves can normally only produce one child, and it's not unusual for some elves to not have any children. This is supposedly to keep our race from overpopulating. It's even more rare for an elf to produce offspring with another race."

Caspian didn't speak at first, instead choosing to think about what Elincia was telling him. Nothing she said was news to him. He'd already known. It seemed more like she was speaking to herself than him.

"Do you think it might be impossible for us to have kids?" he asked.

"I think it will be very difficult," Elincia said. "But I would like children some day. Eventually, I would like to live in a cottage like the one Margarett lives in, away from the hustle and bustle of any big cities. We'll have several children who will be very popular with the other kids. You'll go out hunting while I help out around the village, and then we'll come home and tell our children stories until they fall asleep. That's my ideal life."

"It sounds like a good life," Caspian said.


The conversation peterred out, but neither of them minded the silence. The only sound to interrupt their time together were those of the train as it sped along the tracks.


Caspian and Elincia discuss what they plan on doing when they reach Dorumhold and their plans for the future. A good bit of character interaction and development. Well, I hope so at least.

Please let me know what you think. Don't be afraid to let me know if you find any grammar mistakes. This is unedited, so I'm sure there are some.

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