Uyai (twenty-eight)

Start from the beginning

"What is she doing?" Raina asked immediately noticing the girl was now dancing entrancing everyone with her fluid movements

"Dancing I believe." Mrs. Chance had paused stunned as she saw her newly recruit turning her runway to a dance stage.

"I didn't know you train dancers too." The dance choreographer Mr. Krizz commented as he admired the gorgeous lady who seemed to pull in the crowds with her dance moves.

"Well I don't. Sincerely I have no idea what has gotten into her. May I be excused?" Mrs. Chance didn't wait for his consent instead gave him a curt nod and began to walk purposefully towards Uyai.

"She's good." Mr. Krizzi commented to no one in particular.

"She's definitely full of surprises." Raina smirked amused shaking her head in disbelief and admiration. "Excuse me." she also told him curtly and left him there standing alone.

Imagine Uyai's surprise and mortification when she discovered the hundreds of eyes on her form immediately she had pried open her eyes. Her eyes had widened and her facial muscles had contorted in a shocked and mortified expression. Immediately following her facial muscles, the muscles in her limbs had suddenly become tensed immediately ceasing her movements leaving her in a frozen state and she stayed that way for few seconds before thunderous claps filtered the studio causing her muscles to twitch and then align themselves to a proper stance. Uyai recovered from the shock she felt, but a growing tremor began in her limbs when her eyes found Mrs. Chance who folded her hands underneath her breasts, piercing her with a look that screamed she was in big trouble. Her body responded immediately as if she was fueled with renewed vigor that she hightailed out of the makeshift runway with trembling limbs only to be occluded by two familiar gorgeous faces, both dressed corporately, the only thing missing was a tie.

"Wow Uyai I'm impressed." Peter commented with a smirk and a mischievous glint in his eyes as he slowly appraised her form as if following the lines of the figure hugging dress that flowed to her feet in a swirling fashion.

Uyai swallowed nervously and shyly casted her eyes down only to raise it up again at the next remark coming from the other young man that stood with him.

"I'm surprised." Effiong said. His eyes shone with awe, disbelief and something else she had noticed for quite a while but couldn't place her finger on. "You dance." he continued as his eyes locked with hers "and beautifully so. I-I was most definitely entranced." he said still with that look she couldn't decipher.

If Uyai could blush, that would've been the case. In her shy state she wanted to explain that she likewise didn't know she could dance as she'd never done so and also was quite perturbed that her body had performed such activity without her permission. Now there was high chances she was going to receive a scolding from Mrs. Chance.

"By the way you look stunning." Peter grinned boyishly at Uyai and moved to hold her hand but Effiong intercepted him. He had moved a second faster and now had Uyai's hand clutched in his.

Peter shot him a look and Effiong didn't back down; he raised a challenging brow and Peter smirked.

Game on! It said.

"Indeed you look beautiful." Effiong said to her. Uyai smiled shyly and demurely as she looked at Effiong; they were both smiling at each other foolishly that Peter scoffed loudly. Effiong stiffened and tightened his grip on Uyai's hand causing her to squirm a little startled by the sudden pressure on her hand. Uyai looked at Effiong questioningly but he wasn't looking at her but glaring at Peter heatedly that she could feel the growing tension between the two.

"Peter is that you?" It was Catherine. Immediately her suspicion was quelled, when Peter turned to her with one of his award winning smiles.

"Catherine!" he acted surprised but already he'd glimpsed her form earlier and was not inclined to meet nor greet any of them. His main purpose for his visit for the past two weeks was Uyai but then again he didn't want to appear rude and dismiss her. A good reason for that was, he was a very good judge of character and Catherine to him appeared fishy and that to him made a dangerous woman; a woman untrustworthy.

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