Uyai (thirty-four : part 2)

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Back home *40 hours ago*

"So what are you saying?" Ete Affiong folded his arms and glared defiantly at Mrs. Chance

They were all assembled in her office making the small room constricted.

Ete Affiong sat cross-legged on the sofa, his wife sat beside him and his mother beside her. Mrs. Ekpenyong was also present and sat adjacent Ete Affiong, while Peter and Effiong stood by the door as if protecting it from intruders.

Raina sat on a wooden chair with her legs thrown over the back and her chin resting on the top of the chair. Meanwhile Miss Fiona quietly stood beside Mrs. Chance who sat facing the rest with a look of barely concealed annoyance and impatience.

"I'm saying not everyone can go." Mrs. Chance retorted.

"Can't or shouldn't or won't go?" he asked rhetorically. Without pausing he continued "See Mrs. Change-"

"It's Mrs. Chance." She scowled.

His mother palmed her face and Raina looked on amused.

"Er Mrs. Chance, it's my daughter there, not yours, so I have every right to watch her walk on stage with nothing on alright. Right wife?"

"Erh...right?" His wife nodded indecisively.

"Sorry my dear." His mother started "What he means to ask is why can't we go?" she asked softly.

"Not that you can't go, I'm worried about the expense. First the distance from here to Abuja is quite far and also considering the hotel accommodation, we're likely to spend a lot of money. For instance here, Miss Fiona and I have been covered since we've decided to share the same suite and besides the company has enough allowance for us both since we're very much Uyai's managers--"

Ete Affiong cut her off "Why can't the company cover for us? We're her parents and could as well play a role as a manager."

Mrs. Chance sighed tiredly, and massaged her aching temple. She resisted shouting at Ete Affiong and instead with gritted teeth replied slowly as if speaking to a little child,
"It doesn't work that way and no offense but you don't have what it takes to be a manager."

"I take offense! What do you mean by that? Do you know that I have managed that girl right from when she was born?--"

"Please where the hell did this man come from?" Mrs. Chance quietly muttered to herself but Miss Fiona heard and decided to whisper back an answer

"From the village." Mrs. Fiona said.

Ete Affiong continued "What do you know about being a good manager, do you have a child?"

"Yes I do. Three actually." Mrs. Chance retorted looking at Ete Affiong as if he was dumb.

"Erh...whatever, but I am a good manager also, don't just take credit for yourself alone just because you managed three children."

"Erh... Sir I don't think parenting is managing.It's different here." Raina decided to come for the rescue. "Managing requires a lot of qualification--"

"Are you also managing my daughter for me?" Ete Affiong turned to her with raised eyebrows

Raina choked. "No! I'm afraid I'm not qualified."

"I thought so, you're too young to manage someone."

"Erh...not necessarily--"

His wife coughed drawing their attention "what is going on?"

"I have no idea." Her mother in-law grimaced.

Ete Affiong ignored her and fired questions at Raina. "Are you also going? Is the company also granting you funds?".

UYAI ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ