Chapter 46

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*Jennie's pov*

"Jeoooooonnnnn!!!" I screamed as I saw kooknie crying.

"Eomma...appa said that u loved another guy." The innocent kid uttered.

Jungkook was smiling at our direction as he saw his son's reaction.

"Yah, u made poor kooknie cry. U need some explaining!" The thought of telling our son that I loved someone else pisses me off.

He rubbed the back of his head and continued his smiles.

"Your eomma should do the talking. Right son?" The little guy nodder and kookie was now walking a little bit closer to us, smiling in victory.

I sighed at the unbreakable bond of the two.

"Koonie, listen. Eomma only loved your appa. And no one will ever take his place...on my heart." My words made the child stop from his sobbing and ran towards his appa with a high five.

"See appa!!! Eomma loves only you!"

"Yah, kooknie. Its already late now. U have school tomorrow right?" Kookie asked which made the little guy nod in agreement.

"So u should go to bed now." Kookie said as he tapped kooknie's head. The little guy ran towards me and kissed me on my cheek and he sent his good night to us and entered his room.

 The little guy ran towards me and kissed me on my cheek and he sent his good night to us and entered his room

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I also went inside our room and got my robe. I want to take a bath after the tiring day...even before I entered the bathroom, jungkook grabbed my hand making me move closer to him.

The nuthead was smiling crazily and I dont know what is running on his head.

"What?" I said and rolled my eyes. His nonsense talk with kooknie made me mad. Of course, the kid might think bad of me.

"Yah. Why do I never get tired of hearing that I AM THE ONLY ONE, THAT YOU LOVE ME, THAT YO----"

I know kookie's always sweet and more cringier the moment we've been together and so I cut him off and sealed his lips with a kiss. I departed from our quick peck but then he pulled me closer unto him again and kissed me again, now deeply.

I never knew THAT HE WAS THAT ONE GUY who will complete my life, who will bring delightful colors to my world.

I never knew that a single person can be your whole world.

I then forcily dragged myself out of hi passionate kiss and immediately went inside the bathroom and locked it. I was laughing and getting all giddly at kookie's priceless reaction.

"Mrs. Jeon Jennie! Since ur being such a tease, you will have a punishment."

"It will take me 1hr before I go to be so u suffer." I replied.

"Naaah please babe dont do this to me." The vulnerable kookie is making me laugh out loud.

"Yaaaah, i love you! Just wait for me."

I heard jungkook jumped and smack something---maybe one of our furnitures.

"Yah dont break our things!" I said.

"Nope. Nothing babe. By the way daddy's so ready when you are." I then heard him slammed himself on the bed.

I bathed and groomed myself.

Giving myself over and over for him  was my best choice. And he was the best gift I ever had...

I mean they. Jungkook and Kooknie. 💓

A/n:Hello! I know, you were surprised and upset for the time skip

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Hello! I know, you were surprised and upset for the time skip. Plus, im ending the story this way.😭😭😭😭😭😭 The reason is I might be too busy with my senior year.

Jennie and Jungkook really had a happy ever after! 💛💛💛 Hello golden cards! Sending love to all of you!!! Hurray 😉

Ps. No more editing and i'll mark the book complete. The ending may sound like a cliff hanger and my apologies are sent to each and everyone.

If ever i will not be busy, i will be updating some of my unfinished books and advertise them on this book.

Saranghe~~ ❣

ON THE DAY WE FELL IN LOVE [TAEJENKOOK] •COMPLETE•Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora