Chapter 22

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*Taehyung's POV*


There is nothing I could do but to watch Jennie and Jungkook leave. As soon as they started to be out of sight, I found myself faking a laugh to my own self. It was so ironic that just early this morning, I was all fluky and thrilled to finally offically court Jennie. And now, here I am...losing hope that I could do it.

I was looking down in disbelief.

"Tae..calm down"

Irene spoke as she was hugging me from behind. My anger started to refill as if I was boiling inside. This was her fault.

I freed my waist from her grip and faced her. My eyes are in absolute dismay and fury. I wanna punch her right in her face but I cant. She's still a girl.

I left her and went to the parking lot. I knew she was following me as I can hear her heel's footsteps.

"Could u just stop following me?" I said in a low monotone voice. I was trying my best to be calm. Coz actually, any minute from now I could hit someobody or anything just to release my tension and anger. I wouldnt let her come near me or else, both of us will regret it.

"Why was Jennie, kookie and u acting like that?"

I'm not obliged to answer her stupid question and so I continued walking, this time faster. I just wanna get rid of her.

However, she ran towards me and held my hand. "U would ruin ur friendship and fight over a girl? Come on tae. Its not u. And...please talk to me. Let's head back in."

I slammed her hand out of mine. Those were the touch I longed before but now it only disgusts me. I just witnessed how pathetic she was.

"Irene, please go." I calmly delivered as I counted from 1-10

"No. I wont. Now, chill urself. Lets go arcade."

"What the fuck Irene!!! I said go!" This time, my beastly side was unleashing. She just gave me that biatch face as she crossed her arm and raised her eyebrow on me.

"Why were u selfish huh? I keep on doing things just for since then. U knew how much I cared for u. But now that I wanna have my own life and happiness, ur returning? Right after ur bullshit problems with Sehun? Stop using me. Get a life!!!!"

Before I could say anything more painful...i turned back from her and walked.

"Oh, and yeah. If I could, I will kill just for Jennie. Leave us alone."

Irene was already crying as I looked back unto her. But those tears are not my weakness anymore. My heart now contemplates on how I badly hurt Jennie and I wanna fix this misunderstanding.

"Irene, I really mean it when I say stay out of my life. We're not friends anymore. Friend dont take advantage of the other one."

"And, im not sorry."

I got inside my car, took her things that she just left earlier and handed it to her. I was avoiding an eye contact with Irene as I could also feel sorry for her, to be honest. But I wanna be firm enough. I want out of her drama as for now, I have something to resolve.

 I want out of her drama as for now, I have something to resolve

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