Chapter 5

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*Taehyung's POV*

I waited for Jennie at Royale Restaurant. We agreed to meet here by 8pm since she said she will be spending sometime with her family..

I was tensed while I was looking at my watch. Still 7:45 but I cant relax. Why do I feel I have to look my best? This is not the first time i'll date a girl but the heck it does feel like it.

A hand tapped my back.

V: Yah, jennie-ahhhh, you ca---

Before i could finish what I was saying, I found out that it was Jungkook. What the hell is this guy doing?

V: oh, why are u here hyung?

Jk: im with my family hyung... So, ur waiting for Jennie?

V: ah, yes..

Jk: wow. Dating huh..

He sat in our table and tries to ask more.

Jk: so, is this still about Irene huh? Bout making her jealous? *Smirks*

V: ummmmm...yes. i want to know about Jennie more so id...find what things she are comfortable with so ill not mess up with our plan.

Does what I said made any sense at all?

Jk: I see...

V: u understand?

Jk: fck u. Im noy nuthead. Of course I do. Hey, ill just go with my fam...have a nice date.

He then walked. Oh that was a relief. I actually dont know if I'm falling for this trap. Im thinking of using Jennie but my heart loves to see heart tells me not to hurt her.

Just then, jennie arrived. She was walking towards me and I tried my best not to drop my jaw.

 She was walking towards me and I tried my best not to drop my jaw

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As she went nearer I cant help myself and mumbled, "v, u got this. Act cool man, act coom."

Jen: is anything wrong taehyung?

V: uh..ani

Come, seat

I pulled her chair back and pushed it when she was about to sits. I also sat down infront her and waved my hand to call a waiter.

Jen: um, is it okay if i'll just order a milk tea?

V: just that?

Jen: Yah, im so full.

V: oh.. i see. Sure!

As we waited for our order, I initiated the talk.

V: u look great.

Jen: kamsa, taehyung.

V: oh, is it ok if u just call me oppa?

Jen: Ummm. If u say so taehyung...

I raised my eyebrow.

Jen: i mean oppa.

I gavs her two thumbs up

She cutely laughed on my expression

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She cutely laughed on my expression...

V: so, i was just scanning your instagram, your grad photo shoots were good.

Jen: awiee thanks! Urs too, i even saved the----

She covered her mouth as her eyes enlarged.. tsk tsk u slipped girl, u do. Hahahaha. So, she's saving photos of me huh?

I heard it from school that she was a crush on me but its not like it shocks me or flatters me, well a lot of girls do. But right now, it serves chills to my nerves thinking I was dating her.

Jen: umm excuse me oppa, ill just go to the rest room

I nodded yes.

*Jennie's POV*

I was facing the mirror and scolded myself.

Jennie-yah. Dont be careless. U just vulgared urself to himmmmm. Now he knew u saved his photos.

I tapped my forehead

Oh no I screw... Not this will be all awkward... This moment has to be perfect because my ultimate crush dates such a crack.

I just wanna evaporate in the moment as i have no face to show when I get back. What will he think of me then? Aiiiishhhhhhhh.

There was a knock on the door.

V: hey jenjen, are u ok?

Oh no. Not again... He's making my heart flutter and skip a beat but why it has to be ruined? Now i feel all ashame.. geez. Help me. Send help!!!!!!

*Taehyung's pov*

Jenjen: uh yes oppa..

She then went outside. He face was so chill and cute...hahahaha, jennie i heard it all.

But I was acting all worried in front of her.

Jenjen: why did u come here oppa?

V: oh, i went to the rest room also and noticed ur still not back so i checked on u.

Jenjen: ah, so u just came?

V: yah.

Jenjen: shall we come back to our seats then?

I nodded and gestured her to walk first. I was behind her that my chills cant be controlled anymore...

 I was behind her that my chills cant be controlled anymore

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