Chapter Five: Physician Heal Thy Heart

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry about that my dear.", he told her, "Sometimes people need to be reminded of appropriate behavior."

"It's okay.", she replied, "I guess I am a bit of an oddity around here.  I do stick out, maybe because of how I'm dressed."

"You look absolutely fine.", he told her, "They just have to remember that you are from a different lifestyle."

"How are you able to live like this?", she asked, "Not only are you cut off from the rest of civilization, but it's as if you live in a time that was five hundred years ago."

"We have our ways.", he responded, "Besides, we are not totally cut off from society.  I sometimes need to to visit some of the towns near by.  There's only so much of the land you can actually live off.  We do need supplies form time to time.  But I am the only one whoever makes such a journey.  The rest of them prefer to remain here.  I suppose I am the unofficial leader of the village.  It was more, or less due to family relations."

"Are you saying your the town monarch?", she asked with confusion.

"More, or less, he responded.", he responded, "I care a great deal about these people. They are like family to me. It is a responsibility that I must endure. Now, that being said, I'm going to take you to my own secret oasis. Shh..." He placed his index finger on his mouth, and then smiled. Constantine then walked her to a rocky side of a giant hill. To her surprise she saw beautiful waterfall flowing into a small pool of water. However, she could feel warmth coming from the water.

"Is that a hot springs?', she asked.

"I told you this is my own private oasis.", he replied, "There are many natural wonders around here. I think that's one of the reasons the villagers, and I, love it here. Now, I have packed a nice lunch . I think you will enjoy it."

He put the basket of the ground, and opened the top. Then, he took out a blanket, and spread it out in front of them. As they sat down He served an assortment of fruits, cheese, bread, and even his own homemade wine.

"Don't worry.", he said with a smile, "I used a grape press." With that, they began to eat. Even though it was a vegetarian meal, everything was delicious. The wine was so sweet, it tasted as if it was made form freshly squeezed grapes. Although she could tell that it was alcohol.

"So?", he began, "May I ask how you got lost in these woods?'

"My ex fiancé, Josh, brought me here on vacation.", she told him, "On the first day of the hike, I found out he was cheating on me. I got angry, I tried to head back. I got lost, and was walking while looking at the map. I didn't see where I was going, and that's when I fell down the ravine."

"He just let your wander off, by yourself?", he asked in anger, "He doesn't seem bright. Not only is he a fool not to appreciate a woman of your beauty, but he obviously didn't care about your well being. The woods, alone at night, are no place for a woman, one might never know what dark creatures might be lurking." She was surprised by his comment. It was the same as the dragon's in her recurring dream. This was one of many times he was saying the same phrases. But she began to brush it off as coincidence.

"I was just so devastated.", she replied, "I feel as though I've wasted six years of my life with him. It's not even the fact that I'm mourning the death of the relationship. It's that I realized that the man I loved all this time, never really existed. Have you ever had your heart broken?"

"Yes, but my situation was different.", he replied. "I was happily married for ten years. Then one day I came home, and found that my beautiful Elsbeth had been murdered." Tears began to form in his eyes, a few then ran down his cheeks. She looked at him with compassion, and sadness.

"I'm so sorry.", she replied, "I can't imagine. At least with Josh I can hate him, and move on. But how can you recover form that?"

"You have no choice.", he told her, "It's like a permanent scar upon my heart. It gets better over time, but it's always there. Sometimes it feels like yesterday, and other times it seems like half a millennia ago. I have not loved, nor been with another ever since I lost her. At least her murderer was caught, and brought to justice. He will be imprisoned for a long time. Well, this was not the conversation I was hoping for. I wanted to get to know you better, and we end up talking about lost love."

"It's okay.", she replied, "I'm glad you shared. I just wonder it Josh realized something happened to me. Maybe there is some sort of search party looking for me."

"If there is, It's going to be hard for them to fined you.", he told her, "As I said before, they way make to any main road is flooded. And this place is very isolated. If they are looking for you, chances are they don't know this place even exists. Don't worry, you will be home soon. My word is as good as my bond. I'll make sure you get to where you belong. The good news is, while you wait for the flooding to subside, she can stay for the Annual Harvest Festival. Every year one woman has the honor of being crowned Queen of the Festival. Even though you are not part of the village, being at the festival automatically makes you eligible."

"Won't that anger the other women of the village?", she asked.

"No.", he replied, "It is a celebration of life, and unity. All are welcome. Besides, my people are like my family. Since I am fond of you, they are as well. Why do you think Elaga took such good care of you?"

"Well if I'm going to be here for a while.", she responded, "I might as well enjoy myself."

"I couldn't agree more.", he told her. He then stood up, removed his shirt, and extended his hand.

"Come.", he said, "I brought you up here for a reason. You cannot tell me that you don't want to take advantage of the hot springs." She gave him a confused look, but took his hand anyway. He then pulled her up, and smiled.

"I would love to get in.", she replied, "But I don't have a swimsuit." He just laughed.

"Why the need to feel so modest, we're both adults.", he told her, "We don't need any form of garment. Besides, au natural is the best way to experience the hot springs. If you had a fiancé, I doubt that you've never seen a man naked. I was once married, so you know that I've seen at least one woman naked. This is an amazing experience, that one should not pass by. These waters would be more relaxing than any hot tub you've ever been in. I promise I will be a gentleman." She started to think about it. Life was too short, and this was an opportunity that she may one day regret not taking.

"Oh what the hell.", she said. After they both stripped down, she couldn't help but admire his physique. He too was captivated by her body. He then took her hand, and they got into the springs. The only thing was, she noticed a large tattoo on his back.

"May I ask you question?", she asked, "Why such a large tattoo?" He then began to laugh.

"Let's just say I once lost a bet.", he replied.

"Are those wings?", she asked.

"Yes.", he replied, "They're dragon's wings."


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