Taehyungs cold eyes were staring right at Jungkooks warm chocolate eyes. Jungkook was confused as he noticed the King grip his bed sheets.


"I said leave, at once."

"Youre welcome, your majesty," Jungkook said as he sighed in anger and turned around after cleaning up the area.

"Tell Father Hope that I want to have a word with him," Taehyungs voice was still cold, making Jungkook slightly shiver.

Jungkook nodded as he continued to walk out, not once turning around.

"Just when I thought you weren't such an ignorant King," Jungkook thought, closing the door behind him and headed towards the chapel.

"Why didnt you tell me sooner?" Father Hope looked at the young King with raised brows, his voice somehow calm.

"Because, Father Hope!" Taehyung shouted, sighing and sitting back down, "I wasn't planning on making Jeon Jungkook the general. I was only going to take the throne to anger the Crystal kingdom. Besides, nothing has happened. As far as I know, every quadrent is under our watch and nothing has appeared." Taehyung scoffed, thinking he was idiotic for ever thinking the Crystals warnings were serious.

Father Hope looked at the young man with tired eyes. "Youre going to need all the soldiers you can get, along with Jeon, youre a team now son."

Taehyung sighed and nodded, understanding that he had no other choice. A knock then came and both the priest and the King looked at the door as it opened.

"King, may I have a private word with you?"

Jungkook stood there as he bowed and stepped in. Father Hope nodded and stood up to leave. He felt the tension and was quick to close the door behind him. As soon as he was out Taehyung looked at the General.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Jungkook asked, walking away from the door.

"Tell you what?" Taehyung asked, as he raised a brow at the General who was walking towards him with sharp eyes.

"Why didnt you tell me that making me the General would bring a massacre?"

"Eavesdropping? I shall have you hanged for treason you know," Taehyung replied, standing up and pressing his hand against the generals chest. Jungkook stopped as he felt the Kings hand against his chest, he looked up to see no fear in the kings eyes.

"A king should always be honest to his right hand, I would've disappeared from Blinton if I knew the Crystal Kingdom kingdom wanted me. That poor king cant let go of the past." Jungkook said as he slowly caressed the handle on his sword.

"That war was unforgetable, more than half of his army died when we attacked-"

"You mean when I attacked?"

Silence suddenly took over the room as Jungkook slowly took out his sword. Taehyung looked at the General with a glint of humor, making Jungkook more irritated.

"No need to be arrogant General-"

"I killed almost all of his men with my own sword, one by one. Not one man survived that crossed my path. When I say you havent seen war, I mean you havent seen me in the field. Man after man fell at my sword. I wouldve killed the king if General Whon had not stopped me and held me back, he said he could feel the hatred that pierced through my eyes. If you plan to over come this war, I am the only one who can help you, your majesty."

Taehyung bit the inside of his cheek as he felt the generals warm breath hit his cheek. Jungkook was so close as he nearly whispered those words to the king.

"They said everyone overtook the crystal army, they said our men killed them," Taehyung said, whispering the words and trying his best to step away from the General.

"Our men indeed, me."

Jungkook stepped back and began to unbotton his cotton shirt. Taehyung looked away as he noticed the mans warm sun kissed chest.

"General put-"

"This is from the war, this scar was the only damage I got from that event your majesty. I had let my guard down when I saw my fathers cold and dead body lying in the snow. I stared at his dead eyes for minutes before I finally regained conscious and went ballistic to any warrior that crossed my path."

Jungkook suddenly took the kings hand and pressed it against the scar, making the King flinch and stare at the scar. It was a warm chocolate and soft pink scar, a different color from the generals toned stomach. Taehyung eyes trailed down the scar until it ended by the generals lower stomach. Without thinking his hand began to trail the scar as well, causing the General's breath to stop, his heart pounding.

Taehyung slowly pulled his hand away from the generals chest and turned around to stare at the window covered by red silk. His face was slightly dusted with red, but it wasnt the red silk curtains shadow. He shook his head and softly scoffed to prevent the General from hearing.

"What the hell Taehyung? What the hell do you think you're doing?!" he thought, looking down at his hand that had touched the General's scar.

"I-I think its best if you leave the room at once, we will speak later."

Jungkook bit his lip as he looked at the Kings shaking hand.

"Just remember that whatever you chose, I shall be the one to kill the Crystal king," Jungkook whispered as he walked behind the king and pressed him against his chest. He held the King in place, holding his shoulders.

"I will take revenge for my father, General Whon, and King Kim. Allow me to protect your people, and you."

Jungkook slowly stepped back and began to button his shirt as he neared the door. He felt a weird tugging sensation in his chest, causing him to softly smile, however it quickly went away.

"General," Taehyung suddenly said as Jungkook laid his hand on the doors handle.

"Yes your majesty?"

"Prepare the soldiers and order a draft to be completed by tomorrow. We'll need every soldier we can get."

Jungkook bit down his smirk as he turned towards the king. He noticed the slight blush on Taehyung's cheeks and bowed.

"Yes, your majesty."

For the King (Vkook/Taekook)Where stories live. Discover now