Chapter 1 - First Day

Start from the beginning

The sound of the door slammed woke me up. I moved my head and see we're in the school ground and my dad's waiting outside.

"Give this paper to the principal, I've signed everything. So, what you have to do is only choosing classes." He said once I got out. He gave me the papers and rubbed his hand behind his neck.

I grabbed them from his hands and he patted my shoulder. "Use the bus later." He said and he went to the car leaving me still standing outside the school.

"Here goes nothing," I muttered under my breath.

I went to the office so I could give them my papers and met with a middle-aged lady who's looking through the computer.

"Excuse me?"

She looked up at me and smiled gently. "Are you looking for someone dear?"

I smiled nervously at her. "Yeah, I'm looking for someone to sign my papers. I'm new here." I said.

"Oh, let me just talk to Mr. Hendricks first, he's the principal here." She said. She clicked a bunch of numbers then she talked to the man on the phone.

"Mr. Hendricks, the new student is here. Do you want me to lead her to you right now or later?" She asked.

There was a response then she nodded. "Okay, thank you." She said. She looked at me and stood up.

"C'mon follow me dearly." She said.

This has gotta be the biggest school's office I've ever seen. It turns out the office was only the front part and you have to walk down through a hallway to get to the principal's office. The hallway's wall is littered with so many paintings. They're very beautiful. I'd love to meet the painter of these masterpieces.

The lady stopped in front of a door and knocked. "You can go in now." She said and left me there.

This is when I started to get nervous. I took a deep breath then got into the classroom.

"Ms. Sorenson. You must be the new student from Unity High School in Arizona." The principal said. "My name is Mr. Hendricks. In my notes, there were supposed another Sorenson."

"Yes, my sister."

"Where is she?"

"She was ahead of me before. But I don't know where she is now." I said quietly.

"Hm, let's hope she gets to her assigned class safely. Well, here is your schedule." He said handing me a timetable. "If you would please follow me, I'll lead you to your class."

I followed Mr. Hendricks to my appointed class, Biology. Along the way, I admire the school's decoration. This school does not disappoint the people's expectations for sure. I looked around and all the walls are adorned with the achievements of the students, magnificent paintings and painted with white tusk colors. Every class doors have white lights above them as if it is lighting the way to heaven.

Mr. Hendricks stopped at one door and knocked. A teacher came out and they talked for a bit. I couldn't see his face but I could see how amazing his muscular back was. He has long hair that stops right above his shoulder. His tan skin looks very inviting from the way he rolled the sleeve up to his elbow. And his voice could bring any women to bed. He towers over my 5"2 height. I know that everyone does but from how I looked up to people everytime I talked with them I can guess their height and I would say he's around 6"0 ft.

When Mr. Hendricks stopped talking I immediately averted my eyes to the ground. Don't want to creep the new teacher now do I?

"Ms. Sorenson." Mr. Hendricks called.

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