Attached (Part 1)

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Hey guys, so I'm skipping to the end of Lily being on tour and it's the night she gets back, I had no inspiration to write anything because I wanted to so desperately get further Into the story and I figured they would be boring and you guys would like more of the drama and exciting stuff to come! I've written half of the next chapter to Little Vengeance if any of you read it. I only got half done because school started or me and it's like 12:30 at night, so I'm gonna get some chapters written and posted! I hope you guys like this!


"I missed you so much" I spoke, holding back a sob. I had missed Jimmy so much that I felt like crying.

"I missed you too Lily bear, but you're back now and it's okay" he whispered as he rubbed my back soothingly. I loved it when he rubbed my back when I was upset or ill. It calmed me down a lot and I was happy I was home and with my brother.

"Let's watch Lion King and make some munchies, do you want the guys over? Jenna and the girls too?" He asked. I nodded. I wanted to see my girlies and the boys. I missed them all, especially my Short Shit. I also missed Brian's hugs, but I felt a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. I brushed it off and got the movie set up while Jimmy called everyone to come over.

I missed everyone so much that I wanted to cry and I knew once I saw everyone I would start crying. I'd always been like that, especially since Jimmy and the boys left and never came back and I'd cry for hours because I couldn't be away from any of them for so long, especially Jimmy.

I brought my favourite batman blanket down and wrapped it round myself and sat curled up on the couch while I waited for everyone to arrive. Jimmy was making popcorn and I heard the door burst open and an excited Johnny run into the living room.

"Lily pops!" he excitedly screamed. He ran over to me and pulled me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around him and held him tightly. I could feel the tears welling up.

"I missed you" I mumbled. He tightened his arms and nodded.

"I missed you too, I'm glad you're home" he patted my back before letting go and Jenna came running into my arms. I let the tears finally fall, she knew everything and she understood everything and I couldn't hold it back. I knew what was waiting for me tomorrow and I felt an urge to feel pain, but not the sort of pain I was about to get.

"It's okay Lils, I'm here. We all are" she said, soothingly. I shed more tears and tightened my grip before pulling away and hugging everyone else. Matt was cheerful to see me and wiped my tears away and hugged me tightly. He even said he missed me. There seemed to be hostility between us before and I had no idea why but it's all cleared now and I can see a good friendship coming along.

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