I know It's Hurting You But It's Killing Me (Synster Gates)

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I was a strange person. I kept to myself and blocked myself out from people. There's reasons for that, I don't tell anyone about them, but it's not like I talk to anyone anyway. I didn't like people at all, I hated them. I hated the world, and as my old bestfriend who was a punk rocker quoted a Slipknot song, people=shit. She was the main reason as to why I didn't talk to anybody, or make friends. She was one of my best friends since I was 10, we did everything together and as soon as I turned 16, I had a party and she embarressed me in front of everyone who came to my party. She told everyone my darkest secret, and I was lucky that none of the guys were there. They were at Brian's birthday party, seen as my birthday is 2 days after his, they had a late party for him.

My names Lily-Ann Sullivan. I'm a girl, with blonde hair, blue eyes and a broken heart. I'm 20 and skateboarding is what I do for a living basically, I also do gymnastics but not so much. I made money from it so it was good. My brother is in a famous metal band, he's the drummer. He's called Jimmy, in the band Avenged Sevenfold. He was 2 years older than me, as well as the others in the band. Apart from one, who I can't remember.

My life was pretty boring. But I had as much fun as I could, before it ends.

"Lily!" my mom shouted.

My parents were fed up with me you could say, I guess I was just sort of in the way and I knew that. They couldn't really keep up with me or Jimmy when we were younger, and my parents don't trust me getting my own place. I made enough money with my career in skateboarding, I make enough money to buy a big beach house and feed myself! I had no idea why they wouldn't let me get my own house.

I walked into the kitchen and they looked my way and smiled and told me to sit.

"We can't keep you here, you're mopping around and you won't tell us why. We want to help but you won't let us, so we've decided to kick you out" My mom said.

I sighed, I knew this was coming. But what good would that do?

"Where am I going to go then?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

"You're staying with your brother, he might help seen as when you were younger you would aslways go to him. He was your bestfriend" my dad said.

I narrowed my eyes at them, "My fucking brother? Who I don't talk to and haven't seen in 2 years? Oh yeah, sounds fabulous" I replied.

"What more can we do?" my mom said, I could see she was getting a bit annoyed with me.

I shrugged.

"Pack your stuff, he's coming for you tomorrow"

I walked back up to my room and packed my stuff. All my clothes and everything in my suitcase and ready to go. But I wasn't. I crawled into my bed and sulked. I didn't want to go to my brothers. I wanted to stay here, but I couldn't. But I didn't want to stay with my parents for the rest of my life.

I was beaten up a lot in high school. I was glad I got kicked out. I got away from most of the guys and girls. I don't know why they all felt the need to physically hurt me, which lead to emotionally hurting me. My brother helped me a lot, and so did Matt, but that soon stopped when his band got famous and he moved out and I haven't spoken to him in 2 years, and I now have to live with him. I wanted to see my brother, but again I didn't. He left me by myself and everything else I had to deal with on my own. It was hell.

High school was like the worst thing for me, I'd always get in trouble but I was also an emotionally damaged teenager. I let my emotions out in anger, and hid it with a fake smile, and my inner craziness came out, and that's what got me in trouble. I was the town trouble maker along with the guys, but that soon changed when they left for tour. I managed to cope on my own for a while, and I took my mind off things by skating a lot, practicing as much as I could. I even managed to get into gymnastics, considering I hated most sport. I'd gone to the gym on other days, take away all my insecurities I had about my body.

In time, I grew to love myself. I grew to smile more, and feel happy, forget about what people say and think. I did have my times were I was depressed or I'd be sad and cry about it, but I never stayed in that state of mind because it was never healthy for me. I was coming out of my shell and I got the help from Bam and Tony. They became my bestfriends and they were there for me.

I couldn't wish for anyone as good as they are. I remember when I was 19, when I was upset about my brother and the guys leaving, when I first realised I was in love with Brian. Bam sat in my room with me and he played Broken by Seether and I sang Amy Lee's parts. He played it on my black acoustic guitar and I cried for hours on end, but he was there for me, as a bestfriend always is.

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