43- Intro To Prom

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It was the end of 2nd period and all the seniors were ecstatic. For them, the start of 1st lunch was when they would be able to leave and prepare for their special night, and everyone single one of them just really wanted to leave the school already. So, as soon as that bell went, the seniors flooded the halls with their crazed runs and squeals and fights to get out of the doors first. The only calm people were Josh and Eli. Lucy on the other hand was a mess as she began to stress over the fact that she had to help with the final touches AND get herself ready.

She hastily got into her mother's car and was off to her house (where she had been half-living in). The boys would only see her right before the party started, so saying a good few hours would be the perfect time.

On that note, Josh and Eli left the school grounds, heading back to the pack house to get themselves ready. Josh was slightly sad while throughout the entire thing because he had yet to see his lovely mate, the last contact when dinner the night before. He still got ready and tried his best to look his best, as advised by nearly every pack member. Even little Remmy told him that he needed to look his best tonight because it was a special night. Surely, not everyone had the urge to tell him, and not Eli, that he needed to look most handsome.

After having a delicious lunch and after the many hours that followed, the boys left to go pick up their favorite blonde. Lucy was standing out front with her mother, smiling while both were close to tears. When the boys got out, Josh instantly hugged his friend tightly. She looked amazing.

Eli on the other hand was restraining himself from smothering Lucy's face with kisses and yelling at the top of his lunges how good she looked, because to him, she looked like a goddess. He adored the way that the dress hugged her figure, the way the blue faded into different shades, the way the sparkles made her shine when the light hit, the way her hair was done, and the way her eyes sparkled in excitement. He was sure it was going to be a great night.

Josh soon grew bored of Mrs. Hinders antiques and practically dragged his beloved friend into the car. Once all three teenagers were seated did the driver, Parkers silent dad, take off, not really bothering about the entire seatbelt safety precaution.

It did not take ling for the trio to arrive at the school and rush inside. It was eerie seeing the school so empty, but as they were the organizers, they were to arrive early. And they did. 5'o'clock at night they were back at the dreaded school, and Josh was certainly dreading the night. Stop being a downer. There's a surprise waiting for us~. His wolf spoke, tail wagging happily.

Just as they were going to enter the gym, Eli and Lucy begged Josh to stay in place, so they could do a grand-opening type thing for him. Josh stood there awkwardly at the gym doors, shifting on his feet and rubbing his hands together. Next thing he knew, the doors were swung open, being held by Eli and Lucy while Parker stood in the middle of the beautiful room with his arms wide open.

Slowly, Josh walked throughout the transformed gym, taking in every aspect. He noticed that the set-out even ventured out of the back doors that led onto the open grass area. He spun in his heels, turning to face his friends who all had big grins on their faces. He was amazed. "You guys did ALL of this?" He asked them, getting three simultaneous nods. He was beyond amazed. "Wow."

Parker walked closer and gave his precious mate a big hug. "Wouldn't have happened without you." He said, earning a very confused look from Josh, who had not a single clue in the galaxy of what that meant. "Really?" When Josh shook his head, Parker motioned for Eli to bring out the evidence. "You drew all this, we just executed it. And pretty well if I say so myself."

Josh grabbed the picture and looked over it. It was surely his as he signed and dated it, and he finally remembered designing the fantastic setup. He immediately flushed pink and hid the paper behind his back swiftly though that would serve him none. The others began to gush over his work, throwing compliments around like they were balls.

This lasted for a while before they settled back into a regular conversation that made Josh lose majority of his pinkness.

In what felt like only a few minutes, which in reality was a good twenty-five, did the seniors start arriving in the batches. The first group had about twenty students. From then on, the groups just got bigger and bigger, the last one to arrive was the cheerleaders and their jocks. At exactly 6'o'clock the popular people showed up in their tight mini-skirt dresses and their abomination of suits (minus those good few who had a sense of style and some dignity).

The very last ones to enter was none other than Brittney and Brad, who glared straight at Josh before taking in the scene. Clear shock was written on his face while his eyes held admiration. Even though he was still pissed off at Josh, no one would be able to not give him recognition for the work he and the group put into the decorations, so he gifted Josh with a frowning-nod.

Josh let out a sigh of relief and sunk into Parkers arms that began to snake their way around his waist. "How does one injure their nose the day before prom?" Parker asked, having a little hunch that the one in his arms knew about it.

"He must have fallen over. Harshly. Probably onto a locker. Probably couldn't catch himself because of his arm." Josh spoke, a slight sense of humour and a snicker hidden under the so-called boredom of his voice as they both watched Brad casually sit down at a table, resting his cast on it while rubbing his colored and bandaged nose. Parker let out a quiet chuckle.

Seconds later Lucy rushed over, dragging poor Eli, and started on Brads nose, spastically pointing at his table's direction. Josh beckoned her to quit her actions, but she seemed to let it go unnoticed. Next thing they knew, Brittany had pulled Brad over to their little group, her face red with rage.

"You did this to my Brad!" She screamed, though it was muffled out by the now blaring music. She physically shook while Brad stood behind her, slightly scared. "How dare you harm his beautiful face!" She pointed to his nose, poking it harshly which made Brad flinch in response.

Lucy stilled, Eli stared off into the distance, Parker tightened his grip and Josh just stood there casually but at attention. "Brittany, trust me, no one here did that to Brad's nose."

Her hands curled into fists while she shouted, "But you left right before he walked out with a bloody nose!"

Josh held his breath as he looked at Brad who looked scared shitless. He knew how fragile a jocks ego could be, but he didn't want to brake him. "I left my phone, he took it, I snatched it, that threw him off balance as it was out of nowhere. He went to catch himself, wrong arm, he fell over. He hit his nose, I offered to help, he yelled at me, so I ran as to avoid getting in trouble." Josh said calmly, though in the inside he was dreading the fact that Brittany would pick up on his lie.

Brittany glared at him before turning to Brad who looked meek. She raised an eyebrow and he immediately sprung back to life. "Yeah...I fell over and yelled, then he bolted. So, no worries and no hard feelings." Brad stressed onto his girlfriend who finally gave up on finding someone to slap for the mishap.

She stormed off, Brad following behind who simply nodded at Josh again before retreating away form the group for the rest of the night.

Eli, Lucy and Parker all turned towards Josh with their own questioning brows as they stared him down searching for thetruth. "Spill." They said at the same time.

YES. Spill the tea and do it dramatically. Josh's wolf yipped while it was laughing from the memory. Josh sighed in a so-called defeat.

"Well, he did have my phone, and I did snatch it. However, I snatched it after I punched him square in the nose and it started to bleed, thanks to my wolf being here. I told him to tell people he fell and keep my newfound strength a secret. Obviously, he has a fragile ass ego, so the deal was an easy seal." Josh explained, stunned just like his friends that he had done that.

"Bullshit!" Lucy yelled. Josh just shook his head before he ventured off to find some of that delicious food Parker cooked that he just knew was there. Parker followed behind like a love-struck puppy. Where else would he be. 

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