38- 2x2

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In the time the pack set out in search of Josh, the ones left behind began to enjoy themselves. They watched movies and played games while waiting for their family's return. The joy was short lived as they had unexpected guests arrived there to specifically ruin their day. In a matter of minutes Miriam, Lucy, and Margo had escorted all of the pups and mothers down to a safe chamber, along with the elderly who would not be able to fight properly. They posted a few warriors with them just in case things didn't go as needed.

During the last round, the intruders finally broke into the main level, instantly proceeding to brawl with anyone in sight. While Lucy was already in the safe room, a few weren't. A pup who had been separated from the group when the intruders made it in was whimpering in a corner. Rosella and William were attempting to courage the little pup towards them. Kevin, who still had restraints on, was rushing about, wishing to not be seen. And one of the café workers was trying to just disappear. All the wolves froze when they heard the howl of pain.

William slowly dropped to the floor, blood oozing out of his shoulder, the missing arm a now prominent feature. He was quickly losing breath, falling to his knees as in hopes to somehow recover in anyway. But the rouge with a blood-filled mouth went for his neck without a second of hesitation. He had tried to defend the scared pup and his mate but was easily taken out. Another rouge lunged for the pup, instantly taking out the poor little pup who had no chance to live life. The pack wolves howled in fury, Miriam and Margo running to the scene. Rosella was leaning against a wall nearby, hand clutching her chest while tears streamed down her face.

Miriam and Margo were now charging through the hunters and rouges, pushing to get to Rosella. Kevin freed himself of his restraints and sped off next to the females, joining their war cry. He was furious with himself that he was ever a part of the attacking group, hating to see innocent people being killed, especially pups. The random café worker, whose name tag read out Max, who no one had ever seen shift, was running along-side them, a deadly aura suffocating those around him. He hated seeing the wrong people get away with things.

The pack wolves helped make a path for them, allowing them to get to Rosella in time. Two rouges were about to pounce on her, but Miriam, Kevin and Max ripped them off. Margo ushered Rosella down to the safe room, dolefully picking up the lifeless pup. As the two rushed downstairs, the other three were fighting against many opponents. For a second, Max stared off into the distance, leaving himself open. A rouge went to jump but Miriam's wolf took it down. She shifted back (fully clothed).

"What are you doing?! Pay attention and shift. You shouldn't be here if you're human." She yelled at Max, turning to punch the oncoming hunter welding a knife. As the man was struggling on the floor with his broken wrist and shattered kneecap, she turned back to Max. "Well?"

Max didn't answer at first, becoming distracted with the struggling hunter that began to pull out a gun. Swiftly, he round-housed the man, knocking his head to the floor, a crack signally a broken neck. Casually, he turned back to Miriam, sighing softly. "I'll pay attention from now on, but I'm not shifting," He said. Miriam went to retaliate but was cut off. "No, I don't have to shift, you can discuss it with your parents. Sorry Alpha Miriam." Miriam was left stunned, but she quickly sprung back into action.

Max had disappeared to help someone who had a rouge and hunter on him. A bullet sped past his face as he kicked the hunter in the gut. Once the pair was dealt with, he helped up the boy, not realising who it was until he stared at the blue-fringe. "I thought you were supposed to be in restraints." Max deadpanned.

"They were too tight..." Kevin started to say a snarky comment like he always would, but the image of the pup being slaughtered popped into his mind. "This pack needs help and the intruders need to be taken down. It is in no way right to slaughter innocent people... that poor pup." He whispered the last bit, ashamed of the group he once followed. He was done now, and if any of the hunters or rouges escaped, the rest of the group would know too. He was ready for it. He wanted out.

"All right then. Team up with me." Max said, barely waiting for a reply, which was only a small nod from Kevin. They began to storm through the group of intruders, watching each other's backs and helping out struggling pack members who were overwhelmed. Everyone was confused about which side Kevin was actually on, but they couldn't really put it agains thim as he was defending the pack and kicking ass.

After about an hour, the fight had finally finished. Everyone was tired and was displeased with the sight of the lifeless bodies. Since everyone was in a calmer state, Max thought it was the perfect time to inform Miriam and Margo of Parker and Cypher's return.

"Alpha Margo! Alpha Miriam!" Max called, jogging to meet them.

"Great job today Max. I see you worked with that Kevin boy. No issues?" Margo said, patting him on the back before motioning to the blue-fringed boy.

"Thank you and no problems. There was something that I thought I should inform you two of however. Near the start of the battle Cypher came back and took an injured Parker to the infirmary, to see -I'm presuming- Doctor Nick."

"Why did you not tell us earlier!? It would have been nice to know that my brother was back, and he was injured. First you refuse to shift and then-" Miriam spoke, but was silenced by that mother-look. She stared off into the distance to avoid her mother's gaze.

"I am sorry, but I thought it would only hinder your ability to focus on the fight, therefore a higher chance you would get injured and the intruders may have a better chance of getting the upper hand. And with the shifting, you may ask your parents about that. Sorry and good day Alphas." Max said with little-to-non-emotion in his voice, face never changing. It was strange to everyone to see the shy, yet smiley coffee boy be so strong and stoic in battle.

As he walked away, he yelled over his shoulder to the pack, "Café is open." Miriam didn't even get a chance to ask her mother anything as Margo just shook her head and proceeded to the infirmary. She was worried for her baby boy and was going to go-off at Alfred if he was badly hurt. The Alphas rushed to the infirmary and were let into Parkers room within five minutes.

Parker was sat with his back against the wall, legs crossed on the bed. His shoulder was bandaged, covering the slit that he was given. In the other arm was a UV cord containing some medical liquid specifically made for werewolves when they are poisoned with wolfsbane. Margo cried softly from the shear shock of the day's events.

Cypher stood in the corner, his still presence catching Miriam's eyes. She stalked over to him, having a mission ready. "Hey, Cypher, I need you to go gather information on that café worker Max for me. Will you do it?" She asked in a hushed tone. Cypher eagerly nodded before he left the room. Miriam low-key skipped back to her mothers' side, who had already stopped her crying.

Margo's eyes were accusing of her daughter, skeptical that anything the feisty she-wolf asked the devil would be anythingbut trouble. "Miriam..." She warned, but she didn't get the response or reaction she was hoping for.

"What mama? All I did was ask him if he would do a coffee run for us." Miriam said innocently even though she knew full well her mother did not believe her.

Parker chuckled lightly while Margo let out along sigh. "I swear Miriam, if this causes trouble for that boy we wont blame Lucifer, it'll be your fault. Max just wants to be left alone. And no, I am not filling you in on information."

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