Chapter 2- New Neighbours

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*Hamilton POV*
I was more than a little alarmed when I saw the cat. To be completely honest, I did not expect the cats living here to be half as hostile as what this cat seemed.
Lafayette, however, wasn't fazed. He stepped up to the cat, and friendly as ever, meowed "Hello, Washington. It's nice to be back."
  Surprisingly, the grey tabby didn't attack Lafayette when he said this. Instead, he smiled back, and replied "It's been a long time, Laf. How have you been living all these years?"
"I was doing fine. Anyway, here are some friends of mine who just really want a place to stay. Can you let them in?"
"Sure. Just make sure they're not going to hurt us, and it'll be fine. You friends?" The cat named Washington inched closer to us.
  "Why would we not be friends?" Laurens quietly replied. "We just came here for the mice, not to kill cats."
  "Alright," Washington turned toward the entrance of the red building. "Come, and I'll introduce you to the cats living here. There aren't that many, but try to remember their names, please." He led us to the building and pushed open the entrance.
  At once I was mystified by the scene. It was mostly made out of wood, with a plank on top of what looked like the stables. Amongst the pens there were small piles of hay. What's more, there were so many cats. They were huddled in corners, lying on the floor, perched on the roof. All eyes were on us as we entered.
  I heard a low snarl. "What! These are BloodClan cats! They have collars with teeth stuck in them. How could you let them in?!" It seemed to come from a completely black tom. Only one of his paws was grey. The rest of his body was pitch black.
With a pinch of shame I glanced at my friends. I wasn't wearing a BloodClan collar, only Laurens and Mulligan did. Even so, I bet most of the cats could still recognise us as members of BloodClan, because we still stank of the city.
"Ignore him, my friends." Washington waved us aside. "That's just Lee, one of the guards. Down here, all cats should be equal. There is no need for such 'information' from you." He glared at the black tom- Lee -and then continued to lead us further into the building.
He stopped at a point in the stables. I could see four other cats- two she cats and two toms. The she cats were huddled together in one of the pens, talking. The toms seemed to be hunting for mice. They held their crouches, looking like they were ready to spring. One of the toms stared at us, noticing our presence.
He was lean, dark brown with a dark grey belly. His stare wasn't hostile, though. It was more of curiosity, seemingly wondering where these strangers came from.
  The she cats had also noticed us. One of them waved, while the other, a large grey one with a white tail tip, trotted up to Washington.
"Who are these cats?" she asked, glancing at us.
"Ah, let them introduce themselves. I haven't heard their names yet, either." Washington turned to us.
"Well, my name's John Laurens. Nice to meet you." Laurens stepped forward first, trying to be as polite as possible in front of the she cat.
"I'm Mulligan, Hercules Mulligan. A cat from BloodClan." Mulligan introduced himself to the she cat, loud enough for the toms to hear.
"And I am Alexander Hamilton. We're friends, we won't hurt you." I dipped my head in front of the she cat.
"Oh I know you," the grey she cat meowed before Lafayette could speak. "You're..."
"Lafayette. I used to live here." My friend finished for her.
"No wonder you looked so familiar." The she cat laughed. "I'm Angelica, and this here-" she pointed to the other she cat "-is Peggy, my younger sister."
"You should be calling us Schuyler, to be precise, but it would be pretty confusing since we're siblings and all." Peggy joked, flicking her tail.
"I see." Laurens smiled, getting the joke. Peggy blushed a bit, giggling.
"New neighbours, eh?" The dark brown tom walked up to us. "My name's Thomas Jefferson, but I prefer Thomas, I don't like being too formal." He shook our paws.
The other tom finally noticed the four of us and crept forward, before hissing "Aren't you BloodClan cats?" in a very cautious tone, as if he was either scared of us or deliberately trying to annoy us. He was smaller than us, tan fur with spots all over it. It wasn't hard to believe he would be scared of us, if he really was.
  "Shut up, Madison. Washington said, all cats are equal here." Angelica meowed scornfully.
  Madison glared at her, before reluctantly saying hello.
  "Are there any more of you?" I asked Washington, wondering if only this few cats lived in such a big place.
  "Yes, there are. Angelica, bring these cats to Eliza and Adams. I'm getting tired." Washington yawned, leaving the tiny crowd of cats.
  The grey she cat nodded and beckoned for us to follow her. The four of us soon reached a nest up on a ledge, where a white she cat sat, and, not very far away, a plumper white tom was playing with a small brown kit.
  "This is my other sister, Eliza." Angelica meowed cheerfully, turning toward the white she cat.
  "Nice to meet you," Eliza purred politely.
  "Who's that other one over there?" Mulligan growled.
  "Oh, that's John Adams. He doesn't really do anything here, just eating rats and playing with my kit Phillip." Eliza answered his question.
  Adams saw us. He snorted and spat. "Pah. BloodClan cats." Then he went back to playing with the kit.
  "How impolite of him," I hissed. That pathetic creature of a cat was so fat, it was annoying. I was totally expecting his life to have been something like Eliza said.
  Next to me, Lafayette yawned. "It's getting late. I'm a little sleepy."
  "We should really pick out a place to sleep," agreed Laurens.
  The four of us left Eliza and settled in one of the pens. Then, we drifted into a hard earned rest. 
(I wrote a longer chapter! This is going to get interesting very soon. -Sparrow out.)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2018 ⏰

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