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Note: Two in one day! Idk I'm just bored and in a writing mood. This is not a reader insert but it is super sweet family fluff between Cloud, Tifa, Denzel, and Marlene.

I was scrolling through gifs and saw a certain one and the prompt came to my head so I made this!



The blonde man picked his head up hearing his name softly being called. He lifted his head from the pillow and saw it was Marlene.

He could see she was visibly shaking and her eyes shined in the low light. He glanced at Tifa to see if she was awake but she was still in a deep sleep.

It was up to him to help solve this.

"What's wrong Marlene?" He whispered.

"I saw a monster." She muttered.

"A monster? Was it in your closet?"

She shook her head, "In my dreams. It was scary. It was a lady. When she turned around..."

Marlene began to sniffle and Cloud frowned.

A nightmare.

"She...she was scary looking. She was trying to kill me. She already killed everyone else. Even you and Tifa."

Marlene sounded close to having a full breakdown. Cloud pulled the blankets back to sit up on the bed. He placed his hands on her small, shaking shoulders.

"It's okay Marlene, it was just a dream."

Cloud pulled her into a hug seeing that his verbal reassurance didn't help. She was only eight years old, she was still too young to think logically.

"Can I sleep with you and Tifa?" Marlene shyly muttered.

Cloud glanced at Tifa but she was still oblivious. She would probably scold him later on ablut how Marlene is old enough to sleep by herself.

However when he looked into her petrified, doe-like eyes he couldn't.

He slipped back under the blankets and moved over giving Marlene enough room to crawl in between him and Tifa.

He lifted the blanket for her and she crawled under the covers.

She snuggled close to him sniffling the last of her tears away. Cloud brushed a few stray hairs away from her face, gently drying her tear tracks as well.

"Thank you Cloud." She muttered into his shirt.

Cloud hummed in response and waited until he was sure she was asleep before drifting off himself.

Only to wake up an hour later to his name being called yet again.

Looks like he wasn't getting any sleep tonight.

Cloud turned his head, being careful not to wake up Marlene. She was sleeping much more soundly, curled into a small ball.

It was Denzel this time.

"You had a nightmare?" Cloud asked.

Denzel nodded.

He sighed and pat the available space. Denzel climbed on and slipped under the blankets between Tifa and Marlene.

Cloud reached over to ruffle his hair.

"Night bud."

The boy hummed already falling asleep.

Tifa was probably going to kill him in the morning but it would be worth it...

The next morning Tifa woke up first and was surprised to see Marlene and Denzel were sleeping in their bed.

She looked at Cloud and shook her head. Why wasn't she surprised.

She got dressed in the connected bathroom. When she came out she couldn't help but take a quick picture of them.

She would scold Cloud later but at the moment she had to open the restaurant....

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