Come Thru (Camren One Shot)

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“Nice ride”, she chuckled and bit her lower lip. Fucking tease. I wanted to be the one doing that.

“You want to take a little joyride?” I proposed and put my hand on the passenger’s door handle.

“Why not”, Camila shrugged playfully indifferent but I grinned widely and opened the door for her. She got in and I followed a few seconds after. Taking the driver’s seat, I saw the other brunette admiring the expensive interior of the car before I drove off.

“When did you get back?” she asked.

“Last night”, I answered truthfully and felt so perfectly at ease with her. “I have to take care of some business.”

“Like what?”

“I’ll hit the studio tomorrow to meet some new producers. They’re supposed to be good but I’ll see about that”, I explained my reasoning for being in Miami.

“Always working away”, the younger one commented appreciatively. “You’ve done really good lately.”

“Yeah, it’s fucking crazy what has happened in the last year alone”, I shook my head in disbelief almost.

“You deserve it and we’re all proud of you”, her words sounded genuine and I turned my head to face her.

“Thanks, I appreciate that coming from you”, I was being genuine as well. “What about you though? Are you still working at the restaurant?”

“Same old, yeah. But Normani’s managing the place now”, she revealed some news.

“That’s cool”, I nodded slightly and looked at her again to admire her perfect profile. “She was always good with money. Mani getting money”, I joked a little and saw her smiling. “She has the brains for that.”

“And I fucking don’t?” Camila lifted her eyebrows.

“Come on, babe”, it was normal for us to use nicknames and I had no reason not to be flirtatious with her. “That’s not what I meant. You’re more the creative type like me. Only you do your thing in the kitchen as the hot little chef that you are.”

“I’ve spiced up the menu a little so it’s not just burgers and shit anymore”, I was happy to hear her doing well. “It’s not like a gourmet thing but people like it this far when I add some new sandwiches and stuff.”

“Of course they love it. I always loved it and I will definitely come by when I have some time”, I said encouragingly.

“You would get mobbed. But speaking of; I’m starving. Can we get a burger or something?” the brown-eyed met my gaze before I refocused on the street.

“I can take you some place nicer if you want”, I offered while kinking an eyebrow.

“Listen, just because you’re rich as fuck now doesn’t mean I want you to spend money on me. Or is a burger not enough for you anymore?” she was teasing me but there was also some truth behind her words I assumed.

“Nothing is better than a burger”, I simply replied and we were close to a drive-in that I used to go to with her. We made our usual orders and I parked at the rather large parking lot. Another familiar place for us - the place of many nights of getting hot and heavy in the backseat of my car. The memory alone was too much to handle because Camila just got more attractive every time I saw her. Seeing her sitting on the hood of my car and eating her food, I wanted to pounce on her.

I needed to calm down a bit and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. The small package didn’t contain cigarettes though but something more up my lane. It was a cliché in the business but I enjoyed smoking weed…a lot and I had for a long time now. Not only did it calm me down but it also helped with my creativity when I was writing. Lighting the joint in my hand, I inhaled deeply and no one was around to notice.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Aug 14, 2014 ⏰

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Come Thru (Camren One Shot)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz