Chapter 3-Spies

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The night seemed pretty peaceful, most of the kids were sleeping apart from the patrolling Cartman. The coon alert suddenly went off. (Cartman wouldn't let them change it) The buzzing was loud and painful as the Freedom Pals were woken up, trying to leave before their parents realised the stupid alarms were going off.

All the boys, and Wendy, reached the Freedom Pals base at Token's house. Cartman was freaking out. He was covered in cuts and bruises, his face having a huge gash. "What happened?!" Asked a worried Wendy as she tried checking the cameras. "I don't fucking know! Some cult members jumped me!" Cult members. Kenny's face turned to a bit of worry as he tried to hide behind his mask and in his hood. "They wanted some death will die kid which I supposedly knew!" Exclaimed Cartman sounding more pissed off than usual.

After some time Cartman had calmed down and the Freedom Pals went to the street to try and investigate.


"We've got another detection sir!" Shouted a man in a black suit. He was looking at a world map monitor, 3 bleeps being on his screen rather than the usual two.

"So..the kid can't stay hiding forever..good." The man grinned menacingly as he looked at the screen. "Do we have a name for this new little blip in the system?"

"Butters Stotch Sir."

Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter but I just wanted to get something small out for now! The next one will be longer! I hope you enjoy!

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