Chapter 2-Memories

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Kenny had to rush home after not focusing on the time. He managed to get in without his parents spotting him and he quickly got ready. He was late. "What took you so long dude?" Kyle asked as Kenny nearly collapsed at the bus stop. "Patrol.... late...." Kenny managed to puff out as he tried to catch his breath. The boys left it at that then continued their conversations until school came.

At school though Stan looked like he wanted to disappear. Teachers had been trying to call him up while students wouldn't stop questioning him. He could feel his stomach twisting more and more as a bombardment of questions continued to hit him. Mainly questioning about him and Wendy after yesterday but some questions being about what she said about him. "Are you really drinking?" "Are you and Wendy broken up?" "Do you need to see the school nurse?" Question after question kept being bombarded at him as he walked through the school trying to ignore them all.

Stan ducked out into the nearest bathroom, struggling to down all the questions or maybe it was from the drinks he had this morning. He ran into a stall. He threw up bile and alcohol as his stomach continued to twist inside of him. He felt light headed and wished he had another drink to numb the pain.

"Stan? Are you okay?" Kyle walked in, his expression filled with worry and sympathy for his friend. He saw Stan kneeling in a stall as white as a ghost and instantly ran over. "STAN?!" His friend looked broken and not to mention he had been sick. Kyle helped Stan up the best he could. "You need to get to a-" "NO! They will just send me home or something when I'm fine!" Stan interrupted. He couldn't go back home to his dysfunctional family. It would drive him more mad than what he is now. Kyle sighed, wanting to help but not wanting his friend yet trying to avoid losing him to his drinks. " school nurse. Just..speak to me okay?" Stan calmed down a little. At least he wouldn't have to go home but talking about his feelings? That'd still be a small bit of hell.

He reluctantly started telling Kyle about his issues, at least having some trust in him. He spoke about his family and how his parents constantly broke up and got back together these days, how Wendy and him were clearly heading for a breakup but he didn't want to let go..then it came to his friends. "You guys are great really but..Cartman is an asshole, Kenny is constantly seeming like he's died or something and tell me what to do. I know it's in best interest but I still don't like being commanded around more than I already am in my life!" Stan felt his stomach twisting again. He couldn't lose his best friend. Yet he just said that to his face..he could lose him. "I get it.. it's okay. I come from a very controlling family and hate being controlled myself..guess it rubbed off on me. I'll try to tone it down so long as you don't keep on keeping these things's not healthy and I don't want to lose my best friend."

Stan and Kyle walked out of the bathroom with Stan seeming to have calmed down. "Oh my God. Not just a Jew but a Gay Jew?!" Cartman started laughing at his joke until he got nailed in the face from a punch from Craig. "For one they're just friends and for two what's so wrong with being gay?!" Cartman backed down with his insult, not wanting to get in trouble with Craig or the teachers for that matter. He had to go on patrol tonight after the meeting so couldn't have detention.

School continued as per usual apart from Kenny seeming to talk a bit more with Butters and looking less like death. Everything seemed to go smoothly the rest of the day until the night came.

Another chapter done! I hope it's alright! I probably won't be able to always update every day because of school but because this story is only beginning it seemed better to just start the story so people have something to read to keep interested. Next part will be released in roughly a week but maybe less if I get the time!

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