Chapter 1-A new day

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It was like any other day. Walk to the bus stop, meet with the boys then get to school. Yet it felt..odd. Kenny felt as if something was off from when he woke up. He just sucked it up and went to school as he always did.

Everything seemed normal yet he couldn't figure out what didn't feel normal. He glanced around, Cartman insulting Kyle, Tweek with Craig, Stan talking to Wendy.. nothing seemed off..

The bell rang for class.

Mr. Mackey, God knows why he still taught them, started taking the register as per usual. Everything still normal then-"Butters Stotch?....m'kay.. Butters? So no Butters..m'kay." It was such a small insignificant detail.. it's normal for kids to miss school sometimes but after Butters couldn't remember. Kenny knew that yet after what happened yesterday this didn't seem like a coincidence.

Kenny couldn't focus all class trying to reason why Butters missed school.

During lunch everything still seemed pretty normal. The only thing different was Butters so why was he bugged by it so much? "Maybe because he stabbed you yesterday.." Kenny tried to shake the thought out if his head but couldn't. Why did it bug him?

He was knocked out of his thoughts when there was loud shouting in the lunch hall. "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU!" a familiar female voice shouted out. "STAN YOU CAN'T KEEP DOING THIS TO YOURSELF!" Kenny sighed. They're in another fight again..they normally get through fights fine but this time Wendy sounded like she could burst a blood vessel. "You've been drinking behind everyone's backs?!" Stan just looked away, trying to keep quiet. "Look I'm sorry I just-" "You just what Stan?! I thought you were over this years ago!" Wendy clearly isn't keen on letting Stan talk. Stan just looks guiltily at the floor, near crying.

"Leave him alone Wendy!" Kyle was trying to defend his best friend though struggling knowing what he did. "He went through a lot..I agree he needs to stop drinking but that's probably why he didn't tell anyone" Stan pinches the bridge of his nose, normally a sign he's frustrated with the situation. "Jesus Christ Wendy do you always have to be on my case?!" Wendy went silent. She shoved Stan back then stormed off, leaving just the two boys there.

"I'm sorry dude..she has a point. You can't keep drinking.." Stan suddenly seemed to snap at his best friend "WHY DOES IT MATTER WHAT I DO FOR FUCKS SAKE?!" Stan then just stormed off.

Kenny was sad yet happy that happened. At least it distracted him from his thoughts a bit. He didn't want to deal with today. First Butters not showing up then his friends fighting..he might as well shoot himself in the head now.

He sighs as the end of lunch bell goes. He decides to sit through the rest of the day knowing he has patrol tonight. He can check on Butters too.

As night began to fall Kenny got into costume. He was due in for patrol tonight while the others rested. He left through the secret hatch in his bedroom wardrobe out into the city. First priority, checking on Butters.

He decided to go through the window, knocking on it with hope he could find Butters. Wait. Was that..sobbing? He peered through the window to find Butters curled in a fetal position in his room corner. "Fuck it." Kenny smashed through the window, it hurt like hell but he had felt worse.

Butters jumped in shock, staring at Kenny like he was a ghost. "O-oh Jesus! Are you h-here to kill me?!" He sounded terrified..Kenny tried to get closer but it made Butters panic more. "I'm sorry for killing you! D-don't kill me ghost Kenny..or..or whatever you are!" Shit. He does remember. Shit shit shit how the fuck did he remember?! Kenny gets a grip and manages to run over to Butters, hugging him. "Look I guess I need to explain some stuff.." Rather than patrolling Kenny spent all night explaining his curse and talking about his deaths with Butters, trying to get him to understand. Butters looked confused and shocked yet at the same time a bit calmer. "I know you never meant to kill was an accident and I attract death more than you think." He calmed down a lot more knowing Kenny wasn't mad.

They continued to talk for the rest of the night.

Hey again! Hopefully the first chapter is a bit more interesting! This is all I'm publishing today but more parts are soon to come! Hope you enjoy!

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