"Of course, Ashton doesn't know how to play," Michael groaned, "you spin the bottle, whoever you land on you have to kiss if you don't kiss, you have to tell an embarrassing story," he said quickly,  "oh, and you only get one embarrassing story,"

Ashton just nodded, taking a sip from the beer bottle Crystal was pushing into his hand. He knew he didn't need more alcohol, but he was already more than a bit worried about this game. He'd never kissed anyone before. He didn't want to admit that, though, Michael already seemed annoyed enough at him for not knowing the rules. And he supposed it mustn't be too bad, everyone else in the circle was in a relationship, and they were still up to snog other people; it had to be alright, didn't it? Maybe he'd understand when he'd had his first. 

So he sat quietly praying to dear god that he wouldn't have to go first, and as Michael spun the bottle, his heart was in his throat, and then it landed on Sierra, and he let out a quiet sigh of relief. 

The results of the spin caused Luke to roll his eyes, but he nodded, encouraging them nonetheless; the two leaned across the circle to make their lips meet; Luke and Crystal counted to five before they separated.

"Alright, Luke's turn," Crystal cheered excitedly, seemingly entirely unphased about watching her boyfriend kiss someone else. 

He went back to eyeing the circle nervously as if there were a rule he didn't know about that was about to be dropped on him. The rest were casually sipping their beers, and he guessed a little more liquid courage couldn't hurt the experience. 

Luke spun the bottle, and the same nervousness rose in him again; his eyes were fixed on the bottle, turning round and round until finally, it stopped right where he feared it most, on himself. Ashton looked up, and Luke gave him a wink, but he could see Crystal and Michael sharing a smirk while they thought he wasn't watching.

"C'mon, lay one on me, I know you wanna," Luke chuckled, swigging his beer quickly and then putting it to the side. 

Ashton felt the usual tug in his stomach to do as he was told and nervously sat up on his knees and crawled toward the centre of the circle where Luke met him. He shyly looked up, meeting the taller boy's eyes. Luke gave him a warm grin. He let it fall, though and gave Ashton a smaller, much more private smile, and Ashton could tell Luke knew (maybe no to what extent) that this was a terrifying moment for him. 

Luke placed his hand gently on the side of Ashton's face, his fingers only just making their way into his hair. Ashton's breath caught in his throat, Luke leant the rest of the way in, letting his lips gently brush against Ashton's at first, but as soon as Ashton pressed into him, a little, Luke took that as a sign to move his lips against the other boys. Ashton responded with his best guess of how kissing was supposed to go. Then Luke was licking into his mouth, and Ashton just let him because, why not? And then he was using his tongue in unison with Luke's until finally, he realised wow, he needed to stop. He pulled back, and Michael and Crystal were whooping.

"That was kind of hot," Sierra said lowly.

Crystal was starting to say something in agreement when Luke pulled Ashton in again and whispered in his ear, "That was pretty good for a first kiss," before he placed a sloppy kiss on the shorter boy's cheek.

Entirely red-faced, Ashton took his place in the circle, and Calum shifted uncomfortably next to him, he turned to look at the tan boy, but his eyes were fixed on Michael across the circle, who wasn't paying him any attention. So, Ashton looked back to the circle where Sierra was spinning the bottle, the previous kiss only having slightly quelled Ashton's nerves. He let out a grateful sigh when the bottle landed on Crystal; they shared what was honestly a pretty performative kiss for Michael and Luke, while Ashton and Calum tried to not look without looking like they weren't looking. 

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