Day 2 - Chase (BatCat Week 2018 - Part 2)

Start from the beginning

Bruce was a couple of blocks away from the location when he saw a shadow pass over the street. A couple minutes later he heard sirens approaching. From the sound of it, they were headed the same direction as the shadow he just saw. That "shadow" must be Catwoman.

She was using the rooftops, like he had done many times before, to escape the GCPD. He wasn't going to catch her in the batmobile. If he was going to catch her, then he was going to have to join her up there.

He hid the batmobile and grappled up onto the rooftops. He then began to head the same way he had seen her going. Hopefully he would be able to catch up with her.

After a few minutes of running and jumping across the rooftops, Bruce was starting to think he had lost her. Just as he was about to give up, out of the corner of his eye, he saw someone. Spinning around he saw her. She was standing several rooftops away from him, staring right at him. What was her game?

Catwoman stood there for several minutes. Sizing him up or waiting for him to make the first move? Before he could decide, she rose a hand and beckoned him to follow before falling off the roof backwards. Bruce immediately went after her.

Swinging and running across rooftops, she lead him through the city. She was faster and most agile than him, but he wasn't about to let that stop him from catching and arresting her.

Growing tired of chasing her, he took out his grappling gun and fired it at her. The grapple wrapped around her leg and he pulled on the wire, causing her to fall. Bruce then pulled her toward him.

"Don't like playing fair huh? Typical." Catwoman said as she rolled her eyes.

"You're under arrest for stealing the Egyptian cat statue and whatever you stole tonight."

"Already figured that out huh? Guess it is true what they say about you."

After making sure the rope he used to tie her up was secure, he opened up the bag she had been carrying to see what else she had stolen tonight. It was filled with priceless jewels. First a priceless ancient Egyptian cat statue, now these? It would seem Catwoman had very expensive tastes.

Bruce was about to call the batmobile, so that he could drop her off to the GCPD, when he heard the unmistakable sound of helicopter blades. Looking up he saw a GCPD helicopter headed straight for them.

Before he had a chance to react, he felt what could only be a boot connect with his face. The kick sent Bruce to the ground, as well as made him drop the jewel filled bag.

Dizzy and disorientated, he watched as Catwoman picked up the bag with a smile on her face.

"I think you'll find that these belong to me now." She the turned around and walked towards the edge of the roof. She stopped and looked over her shoulder at him. "Oh and don't forget to have fun with your friends." With a laugh, she leaped off of the roof and disappeared into the night.

He shook his head to clear it and got back up onto his feet. If it wasn't for the damned helicopter, he would go after her again, but right now he needed to flee the area himself.

Bruce took off, with the helicopter following closely behind. He needed to lose them, but how? As he swung across a road that had been closed off for construction, that was when he saw it. An open manhole. It wasn't exactly ideal, but it wasn't like he had the luxury of being picky right now.

Without another thought on the matter, he changed direction mid-swing and, once he was above it, dropped down into the manhole.

After loading up a map of the Gotham sewers on the computer, that was built into his gauntlet, he began to make his way through them. He made his way as far away from where he had been spotted as quickly as possible.

Once he was back out, Bruce called the batmobile and made his way back to the batcave. He doubted he was going to find Catwoman again tonight. He was probably going to have to wait for her next burglary.

"Decided to go for walk in the sewers again sir?" Alfred asked when Bruce returned to the batcave. When he didn't reply, not that Alfred had been expecting him to reply, he decided to change the subject. "By any chance, did you manage to catch our museum thief?"

"No, thanks to a GCPD helicopter, she got away. At least we now know who we're dealing with." Bruce replied.

"Indeed. Catwoman, the cat burglar. The search you set up found quite a few newspaper articles on her. Think we'll see her again Master Bruce?"

"Without a doubt and if we don't. Well, in that case, I guess we'll have to lure her out." 

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