Day 7 - AU of Choice (BatCat Week 2017)

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AU Chosen - Earth -11 (Batman: The Drowned) This one was inspired by Taylor Swift's songs Delicate and Call It What You Want! 

"That's right. You heard it here first. Bryce Wayne appears to be continuing the criminal work of her father." said the news anchor who was currently on the bar's television.

Bryce glared at it. 'You know absolutely nothing.' she thought angrily while she took another sip of her whisky.

Sure, she had been through the rumour mill more times than she could count, but this time they weren't just about her. They were about her family and the media was now using these rumours to destroy the legacy her parent's had left. The worst part of it all? Her reputation was now in complete and utter ruin so there wasn't anything she could say or do to put a stop to this. They would just twist it to their advantage if she did.

So here she was. On the east side of Gotham in some dive bar. Aside from the bartender and an unconscious drunk guy, the place was like a ghost town, which she was grateful for. It meant she didn't have to deal with anyone for a little while.

The television continued to go on and on about the bad things that she could have possible done ever since she took over her family's company. Bryce was about to throw her glass at the screen when someone turned it off.

"That's enough of that." said a familiar voice. She smiled.


He took a seat next to her. "How you holding up?" he asked.

Bryce sighed. "Everything my family stood for is falling down around me and there's nothing I can do to stop it. How do you think I'm holding up?" There was a moment of silence between them before she spoke again. "What are you even doing here Sylvester? I don't have anything to offer you anymore."

Sylvester laughed as he got up and jumped over the bar so that he was directly in front of her. She looked up at him and frowned. What the hell was he doing?

"Bryce, I don't care what they're saying. Hell, I'm not even paying attention to it. They don't know you like I do and I'm not talking about you know what. Now, how about another drink."

She looked into his eyes. She was searching for any hint of a lie from what he was saying. He wasn't. "Alright, fine Kyle, you win. Go ahead and make me another drink."

He smiled as he took her empty glass. "The usual Wayne?"

"What else?"

Bryce couldn't understand it. The second all of this had happened she had expected Sylvester to be the first to run, yet he was one of the only ones still standing by her. The other two being Alfred and Lucius of course.

A couple of drinks and some small talk later and Bryce was starting to feel a tiny bit better. It helped that Sylvester was easy on the eyes. She, of course, would never say that out loud, she didn't want to feed into his ego too much.

He collected their glasses and began to make them a third round. While he did that, Bryce let her mind wander for a little bit.

They'd known each other for a while now and so far all their relationship had been was the occasional chase across the rooftops and hookup. It had never been like this. Going to the other one in their time of need. They just didn't do that. It wasn't them and after tonight it wouldn't be again.

Bryce needed sometime. She wanted to disappear from the public eye as Bryce Wayne and focus more on the Batwoman side of things. She couldn't do that and have something with him, that was more than just hooking up, at the same time. No matter how much she may like or want him, she didn't see it working right now, if ever.

"What are you thinking about Bryce?" Sylvester asked as he set her drink down. His voice snapped her out of her thoughts.

"This isn't going to work out." she stated after a few minutes.

"What isn't going to work out?"

"Us, Sylvester. Not now, maybe not ever. I think it's best we just stop this before one, or both, of us gets hurt."

He nodded. "Alright, let's call it quits...after tonight. Now before you say anything, all I'm asking is one more night. That's it."

"There's no way I'm going to be able to talk you out of this, is there?"


She huffed a little. "What did you have in mind?"

His signature smile appeared on his face."I'm glad you asked."

An hour or so later they found themselves in a hotel room, on the third floor, on the west side of town. Sylvester quickly went about the room pulling all the curtain closer, just in case the paparazzi had somehow found and followed them here.

Bryce sat down on the sofa in the room while he did so. 'This is ridiculous,' she thought. 'I should be out there right this second finding out whoever is destroying my parent's legacy. Not here in this hotel room. I should just tell him I need to leave.'

Once Sylvester was finished with closing the curtains, he joined her on the sofa. He went to kiss her, but she stopped him.

"I'm sorry, I can't do this Sylvester. Not while whoever is doing all this is still running free." she explained.

"Kiss goodbye?"

Bryce gently pressed her lips against his. The kiss was only meant to last for a second, but it get going and going and going. It wasn't long before she found her arms wrapped around his neck and his hands were tangled in her hair. Eventually they had to stop kissing in order to catch their breath.

As they caught their breath, they didn't take their eyes off of each other. They were both trying to figure out who would make the next move.

"Fuck it." Bryce whispered as she grabbed Sylvester by his t-shirt, pulled him up with her and dragged him to the bed.

It was 4am when Bryce woke up. Sylvester was still by her side, fast asleep. She turned over onto her left side so that she could see his face. She did so carefully as to not wake him.

She couldn't help, but wonder. What was he dreaming about? His next heist? One of his other lovers? She didn't care if he was. They weren't official after all. Maybe, just maybe, he was dreaming of her? She smiled a tiny bit at that. There was no point in denying that a part of her would really love that if he was.

"What are you smiling about?" Sylvester asked. His voice was thick with sleep.

She chuckled quietly. "Wouldn't you like to know."

"Yeah, I would. That's kind of why I asked."

"Well, I'm never telling you."

"Is that so?"

"That is so." And there she was again. Looking into those striking green eyes of his. Bryce was tired of pretending that he was her's all the damn time. She was ready to throw everything she had said last night out of the window. She wanted to be selfish for once in her life, but, at the same time, she didn't want to thrust the spotlight that was on her onto him. That wasn't fair.

Her mind began to go through all the possibilities on how to make this work. Sylvester was the only person who she had shown her true self to and seemingly liked her for it. Last night he had made her realise she couldn't lose this. There had to be a way. There had to be...

She held her breath as she spoke slowly. "You don't to save me, but would you run away with me?"

"Bryce, you've confused me. I thought Gotham needed you?"

She shook her head. "Gotham needs Batwoman. It doesn't need Bryce Wayne. Batwoman will still be here. As will, I suspect, Catman will be. While they continue to run across rooftops, Bryce Wayne and Sylvester Kyle will disappear. What do you say?"

Now understanding what she was getting at, Sylvester smiled. "Yes."

There wasn't a one shot for yesterday as, like with Day 4, I made a playlist (you can listen here: )  Remember, if you enjoyed this and would like more batcat one shots vote and/or comment to let me know! 

The Big Book Of BatCat One Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें