"Sleep tight little hybrid" The man says laughing and walking out


"Josie, Lizzie" Lauren says walking into her empty apartment 

"We need something of Camila's" Josie states

"Would, would my mark work?" Lauren asks showing the bite on her shoulder

"You've made the final Mark?" Lizzie asks 

"Not the point can you use my bite yes or no?" Lauren asks again 

"The bite is perfect. It will give a stronger connection. Lauren shirt off and sit in the middle" Josie orders and the tri-brid does as told then sits in-between the twins 

"Stay still" Lizzie warns and joins hands with her sister. 

In a moment the two woman begin to chant and a glow begins to surround them. In seconds Lauren begins to groan in pain as her bite begins to turn red. 

"Is it working?" Tyler asks 

"Shh, they have to concentrate" Jeremy states 

"AHHHH!!" Lauren screams out causing the twins to release their hands 

"Lauren" Jeremy says in a worried tone 

"She's at the abandoned mills" Lauren says through the pain 

"Josie, Lizzie" Jeremy says as a silent question 

"She'll be fine, but Camila might not have much time. Tonight is the blood moon and if these two are linked by their marks what ever affect that moon has on Lauren tonight it will affect Camila." Josie states 

"We are getting her now" Lauren says standing up and putting her shirt back on 

"Are you sure?" Tyler asks looking at the tribrid's shoulder 

"I heal 10 times faster then both of you I will be fine. Josie, Lizzie thank you. Please tell your mother that we expect you and the family at the ceremony" Lauren says looking at the twins 

"You are the great grandchild of one of our oldest Friends of course we would help. I suggest you leave now before the moon reaches it's peak" Josie says and Lauren nods in understanding 


"Wake up little hybrid" The male voice says as he hovers over the younger girl. 

"Is the little wolf vamp still drugged out?" He says in a mocking tone

In that exact moment there is a rush of wind that plows through the cellar causing the door to fly off its hinges revealing a very irritated, and extremely murderous red, black and golden eyed Tri-brid. 

"You worthless, insignificant, sorry excuse, volatile, piece of scum, Bastard" Lauren yells with rage as she intensifies her powers.

"If it isn't the all mighty tri-brid. So nice of you to join us" The man says with a smile. 

"Oh I'm going to wipe that smile off your face" Lauren threatens 

"Eh, I wouldn't do that if I were you" The man says holding up his finger then points towards Camila. "See anything happens to me and little Camila dies. Now we wouldn't want that would we?" The man says with a smile. 

"KAI!!" Lauren growls 

"Oh come on Lauren" He says with a smirk

"WHAT IS IT THAT YOU WANT" She grits out through her teeth trying to keep her fangs at bay. 

"Now that is better. So word on the street is that my beautiful nieces have come out of hiding for your marvelous occasion. I want my powers back from them" Kai states smiling. 

"Not possible" Lauren growls out 

"Actually it is possible. What's needed is the blood of a Tribrid, meaning you, and well the heart of a pure hybrid, her" He says pointing at Camila and Lauren lunges towards the man. 

"whistle" Kai says and Lauren drops to the floor holding her ears from the pain . 

"We can do this the easy way or the Hard way Lauren" Kai states 

"Guess she's picking the hard way" Jeremy says then takes a shot with the cross bow hitting Kai right in the heart. 

"Lauren" Tyler says running in. 

"Ge, Get Camila" Lauren states trying to get back to normal. 

"It's silver I can't break it" Tyler says 

With as much energy as she can get Lauren lifts her right hand up. 


And as the chains break apart she collapses to the floor unconscious. 

"SHIT" Jeremy states then runs to her. 

"Let's go now. I don't know how long the spell on that arrow will hold him off" Jeremy says picking up Lauren as Tyler grabs Camila and they run out. 

The  Legacies (Camren)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon