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They laid next to each other taking deep breaths as they stared at the screen running the credits. It was as if that single moment stopped time for them. They had just taken a huge step in their relationship and possibly of their lives. Camila knew what she was doing when she said yes. It wasn't just losing her virginity, it was surrendering herself completely. This included, her power as a hybrid. She acknowledged that Lauren is who holds her, in body, mind and spirit. They claimed each other. That bite Camila gave her shoulder wasn't just any bite, it was the bite of a hybrid stating you are mine. Lauren on her end didn't need to give that bite. She had done it that day in her car. What Lauren did have on her mind was something more than just claiming Camila, she marked her as her Queen. 

It is true what Mika said about Lauren's title with in the circles. She was not only a witch, or a werewolf or a Vampire, She was the one who held power over all of them. She had the tactic to give the vampire bite, She had the ability to give the werewolf bite and she even had the power to leave the witches mark. Those three separately cancelled each other out, but Lauren held all three making her the most powerful of all. By marking Camila she had stated a claim. A claim that not man can see since Camila healed but it was still visible by any wolf or vampire. With them just having sex, Lauren left the highest mark. She knew she didn't use a condom. It wasn't because she forgot. If anything she had one in her wallet that was in her pants pocket. Lauren also knows that Camila was not going through heat with her wolf side so there was no chance of a pregnancy. By releasing inside her it left the statement of stay away for good. 

"We should get changed" the younger girls says after the credits finish 

"Just give me a minute I need to have you close like this for just a few more moment" Lauren states pulling the naked girl towards her and into a tight embrace and closes her eyes 

"Oh no we are not falling asleep here come on Lo" Camila says looking up at the older one 

"But I'm comfy, and warm" Lauren argues in a playful way 

"Trust me you will be comfier in your room on your bed" Camila counters 

"That is true, but you won't be naked there. Remember my Father set some weird ass spell that prevents me from using my magic in there to lock or sound proof anything" Lauren says with a pout. 

"Yeah well if you don't want him doing the same to this room we better get up and put our clothes back on" Camila states giving Lauren a small kiss

"Ugh, why are you always right?" Lauren asks giving in

"Because I have a 4.5 GPA and you have a 4.2." Camila says with a smile 

"Hey, I'm at 4.3 now" Lauren states 

"Still have a higher GPA. Now come on where did you vanish my clothes to" Camila asks and Lauren smirks 

"Lauren" Camila says in a stern voice 

"Alright, alright" the older girls says then flicks her wrist making Camila's clothes appear next to her. 

"My underwear too you perv." Camila says and Lauren's smirk drops as she snaps and the lacy piece of fabric appears on the older girl's finger. 

"Thank you. Now take down your little barrier and unlock the door" Camila orders and Lauren has no choice but to obey. 

It's like Mika had said, the day she claims her Queen, what ever she says must be done. So everything Camila says from now on has to be done. What makes it even more exciting is that both of them share the same tempers and also the same mindset. Making them extremely dangerous. 

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