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Here they were again on top of the cliff overlooking the town they were born and raised in. As always Dinah was late but then again if she was late it was probably due to her doing nothing good. 

"Are we seriously going to do this?" One of the girls asks

"We have to. Its a custom Mani remember" Another responds. 

"Custom or not we shouldn't be getting involved" The third responds 

"And the fearless leader begins to give wisdom to us the poor souls. Seriously Laur live a little you're too up tight" The one and only Dinah says appearing and putting her arm over the older girl's shoulder

"Dinah you know the consequences" Lauren warns

"Yeah I know, I know. We have a prestige to up hold. As the direct decedents of the most pure blood line in the lovely town we call home, we are the sole heirs to power and glory. I know the whole story I get it but that doesn't mean I have to have a stick up my ass all the time. Now come on there's a bon fire I'm dying to get too. See you losers down there" Dinah says jumping off the cliff

"Dinah!" Lauren yells. 

"She's got a point Lo Come on it will be fun" Ally says stepping off the cliff after her friend.

"Sorry Lauren but maybe we should be teenagers for once. We are only 17 once and hey We are in our Freshman year of college already os have fun!" Normani says while jumping off the cliff also. 

"Will they ever learn" Lauren says to herself and flips off the cliff too.


"Oh look she decided to join us" Dinah says sarcastically

"Wait for it" Ally says 

As those words leave her month, Lauren lands on the group with the superman landing and a smirk

"Admit it you love doing that" Dinah stated with a shit eating smirk

"Shut up DJ now lets go" Lauren says standing to her feel and fixing her jacket 

"Lead the way your majesty" Dinah replies making Mani and Ally shake their heads in humor. 

It wasn't anything new when Dinah would mock Lauren every chance she got. She knew that out of the 4 Lauren was the most probable to gain her full powers first. She is after all a Jauregui but that didn't mean that Dinah was scared of her. It's true they have had their disagreements but they were still family. They were sisters above everything else. Nothing would change that. 

"So I heard that someone's girlfriend is hear tonight" Dinah smirks looking at Mani

"Shut it, Just because Lauren let's your little remarks slide doesn't mean I will." Normani warns knowing where Dinah was going 

"Hey I'm just saying if Mani's girl has a friend or anything to hook a sister up" Dinah says innocently

"That will never happen" Ally says with a laugh

"Hey I'm a catch" Dinah argues

"Yeah a catch for a one night stand not a relationship now shut up" Lauren says making Dinah glare at her. 

"Hey Mani who's that with Becky?" Ally asks when she spots Normani's girlfriend

"Uh I think that her new Room Mate. I forgot her name" Mani answers

"Well then lets go introduce ourselves She hot" Dinah says starting to head closer to the bon fire.

"Dinah no!" Lauren says but realizes she's talking to deaf ears the starts to follow the mini rebel of the group.

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