chapter 4

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Michael's pov

we snuck into the school through the student parking lot door the only one that is always unlocked just as the bell rang. i started walking to chorus i had it with y/n but i new she was going to stop walking with me case i'm a worthless nerd and shes on the verge of popularity. i put my hood on and my head down and started walking over to class. "hey Michael why so depressed all of the sudden" i looked up. she was still there it kind of startled me and i guess i made a weird face cause she giggled and said "you make the best faces I've ever seen Mell" "well i need to give you some competition y/l/n" she snorted and then blushed " shit i snorted" i laughed. 

we walked into chorus class, we where the first ones there i went to sit down while y/n went to talk to Mrs Olsen "hey Isa can you move my seat to any where else but next to Jeremy fucking heere" my eyes widened she just cursed in front of a teacher and called her by her first name that's like life's detention. Mrs Olsen seemed unfazed "ohh do spill y/n what did he do did he dump you? where you dating? i can give him detentions for stupid reasons" "no no no hes just being a dick to my friend. compleatly ditched him for popularity" "is it Michael? that's the only friend Jeremy had" she smirked and whispered something in y/n's ear y/n blushed profusely and squeaked out a "yes" "ok ,i got you. changing the seating charts handing out detentions go sit next to Michael ill switch you with brook" "cool thanks Isa"

y/n came and sat down next to me i gaped at her "you have Mrs Olsen wrapped around you pinkie finger you called her by her first name and cursed got you seat changed and possible BS detentions for Jeremy" "ya she's a family friend since like birth" the last few kids streamed into the classroom,the popular kids, i felt a pang as i saw Jeremy with them. 

y/n seemed nice and chipper as she talked with her friends Sarah and Kristine "Kristine you CAN NOT chase after Jeremy any more he is popular and a jerk and going out with brook" i nodded an with this why should i care for girl gossip? then it hit me i jumped u at Kristine " hold up you like Jeremy?!!?!?" she blushed and stuttered out "y yes" i gawked at her all this freaking time she liked him?! i realized i was just standing there confused as shit "sorry" i sat back down Y/n sat down next to me and the other girls ran to their seats. y/n looked at me questioningly "what was that" i wasn't sure if i could spill Jeremy secret. and then i remembered what Jeremy did, fuck it "jeremy is obsessed with Kristine since like seventh grade" i had a crush on Kristine in seventh grade too, but then jeremy ignored my feelings another early sign of dickiness. 

" ok ok class everyone shut up! jeremy i told you to shut up you have failed me so i shall give you detention my office after school not there rest of the month" "but Mrs Olsen i have play rehearsal" " does it look like i care cause if it does you are INSANE. now every one stand up its time for warm ups" wow she just ended jeremy. i think i like this class a little more

                                                                    Time skip

Your pov

"ok class i don't want to see another one of your faces till tomorrow so nobody go to the Safeway cause i need food and you don't." nobody laughed except for me best. damn. teacher. i looked over at Michael he had a smile on his face and looked like the purest of angles. i felt the urge surge through my body to grab his face but he probably didn't like me so i resisted. "bye Michael ill see you tomorrow" i ran off to Kristine and Sarah leaving him behind. Kristine posed on the chair and made a weird screech. i wanted to tell Kristine jeremy liked her but i didn't want to break Michael's trust. 

so instead i screamed "too play rehearsal! on wards my children! on wards" most of the class stared at us like we needed to be put down. who cares, fuck them. to the play. we ran to the auditorium. it had a high ceiling and chairs like in the movie theater but the entire back row was broken because that's where the hooligans sit. we ran up to the circle of chairs on the stage and past Mr Hotpocket "hi Mr Reyes " said every one except me, for i said "hey der hotpocket" we all laughed and then labia , Madison and , Kate came in "hey there crew how you doin?"  "delicious!" we laughed "ok come on guys lets get to the floor circle while we wait for rooster boys(rich) crew to get here so we can start"

we all circled up onto a group on the floor and began to speak of what happened during the day usually we do this over a giant phone call and there aren't even all of the people in the theater right now. some of our friend were not theater nerds.i relayed the happenings of skipping the class with Michael "and the he fell asleep on my chest and he is so handsome and awesome and his hair smells amazing!" "oh my god queen"" you are meant for each other"" im so proud of you y/n" jeremy walked in and awkwardly stood there looking at our group i glared at him and flipped him of "god y/n hating on men today are we"  (he got out of detention cause squip skills alright)

"go Kristine make love to your man" Kristine looked at me and i shrugged. she smiled and she ran over to him "welp that's one down who'snext, how bout Sarah  lets get you with your ritzy-poo" sarah blushed intensly "SHUT TEH FUCK  UP" "jeez sorry " "hey ,y/n wheres your jacket" shit where was my jacket i always had it where did i put it SHIT SHIT SHIT . i smiled nervously "guess i left it in chorus" but i knew i left it in Michaels car but if i told my friends they'd start saying shit like ohhhhhhhh where you stripppping daaammnn y/n! and im to lazy to deal with that.

im so proud of my self and my shitty writing ok ok ok STORY TIME after we finished eating the thanks giving my grandmother says "it was a seventeen butter stick thanks giving who's buying more tomorrow" it took 2 sticks o butter to make mashed potatoes what is wrong with my family we need help and high cholesterol meds

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