chapter 2

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"so y/n where's your boyfriend" my friend Sarah said trying desperately to keep a strait face as i turned red as a tomato. 

"he's not my boyfriend" i mumbled "NOT YET" Georgia screeched causing many confused looks to be directed at our table. that probably caused me to turn redder. at that moment Michael walked in holding a slushie up to his mouth in one hand and his phone in the other. he went and sat down at his usual table and looked around. i was confused for a second something looked off at his table. and then i realized Jeremy was missing. Jeremy being missing doesn't make any sense to me i mean he is always heere. 

i realized this could be the most perfect chance to talk to him that has ever happened. i went to get up and realized if i didn't tell my friends to stay i would end up being followed and most likely embarrassed. i sighed " guys Jeremy isn't here so i'm going to go sit with Michael OK. follow me and you'll be cursed to 5 years of being harassed by rich" "hey that might not be all THAT bad" gabby said. 

i walked over to Michael's table and sat down with my lunch tray of god knows what and took a deep breath " hi Michael" he looked up at me obviously confused. " careful you might loose your popularity if you talk to me" " i really could care less" i said

i knew it was  a lie of course i cared about how popular i was, but if you let any one know that than they make even more fun of you. he looked back at me still some what confused when rich walked up. or from the way he was walking more likely squip was walking up. 

"hey baby girl why are you talking to this lother (loser he has a lisp tho soo) when you could be with me"  "fuck of  Ritz" i said .

"watch it Y/N i told you that calling me that was of limith" he growled 

Ritz was his old nickname back when he was my friend back before the godforsaken squip he hate's it now, so i use it to annoy him. there is nothing he can do about it because i have all sorts of pictures and videos of him before squip that could socially end him. so he doesn't mess with any one i tell him not to. 

"hey nerd you had better thay away from this girl ya here me" rich mockingly spat

"geek" Michael mumbled "not nerd"

"what did you say to me skank?" rich growled  i stood up and got in his face

"listen ritz i know you know perfectly well what he said so you had better fuck off. because if you don't i will pull out my phone and text Jenna rollan every single picture i have of you."

rich's face went white for a second before he scurried off. "what the hell was that and teach me how you made him go away like that " Michael said enthusiastically i smiled and pulled out my phone going into the camera roll i pulled up a group called ritz. and showed him all of the videios and pictures of ritz from freshman year

"so you see" i said " we used to be like best friends but then he found something called a squip and it made him cool so he instantly ditched us."

"wow thats really shitty" michael 

"ya" i mumbled i still remembered how good of a friend he was before the squip

"wait squib? like harry potter please explain"

i laughed " no squip, super quantum unit Intel processor its from japan its a gray oblong pill. quantum nanotechnology cpu. the quantum computer in the pill travels through your blood in till it implants in your brain and it tells you what to do."

"oh ok sound sketchy, i guess" Michael looked away and then asked "what do you want from me?"

"w w what?" 

he was pretty mad

"i mean girls like you y/n don't talk to nerds like me unless you want some juicy gossip or something. so just tell me that's what you really want before you become my friend and then ditch me because you got what you wanted.'" Michael's voice became louder and i realized tears where forming in his eyes.

" people never apparently really want to be friends with me they just get a squip and ditch me like Jeremy did " tears fell down his face as he ran out of the cafeteria to the student parking lot.

ok so im on my period and i was writing this chapter and i started crying for like no reason   also this is like the best video ever in existence so like copy paste it and then question your lifes work

sincearly, meeeeeee

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