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I'm not gonna do an introduction. You read the title.

If you're wondering what I mean by rSJWs, I mean regressive SJWs. I truly cannot stand these people b/c they're all over YouTube and people make money off of it. They like to act as if every POC ever has wronged them in some way. The way someone reacts to something they disagree w/ can tell a lot about them. The way rSJWs tend to react is;
a. Blame it on someone they don't like, i.e, Obama, Hillary, Bernie
b. Blame/stereotype a group of people they don't like. Muslims, Arabs, Blacks and Liberals are usually the main 'toy' they throw around for their tantrums.
c. Act as if all whites are oppressed or in serious trouble. You know how NPCs flip over everything and say POC are oppressed? Change 'POC' to 'white people' and you have this argument.
d. They twist the subject. If you are talking about racist rSJWs on YT and someone gets triggered and comments 'bUt WhAt Ab0uT tHe FiLtHy LiBeRaL sJwS?1!1! uNsUb!1!1!', you have definitely found a rSJW.

I really hate these guys (as someone of Sierra Leonean descent) because they're only a bunch of racist pricks who try to sound smart. What hurts me more is how people fail to recognise how dangerous these people are or stand up to them because they're right-wing. The most NPCs will ever do is get a TV show shut down. The most rSJWs will do is to shut down a whole person just for being black, Muslim, Asian, liberal, you name it.

We must stand up to these blabbering idiots who have no idea what empathy is.

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