Chapter 7

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Craft POV
Everything was dark no light in this empty space. A red light appears someone steps out with a red scarf on " hello?" My voice echoed through the void all the skeleton did was starting to run to me " Craft!"the skeleton was in tears a light filled the room I was in a hospital room fresh was shaking next to me while holding my hand mom was crying "mom?" My voice came out very muffled "sis?"fresh looked at me with tears in his eyes error was glitching out by the window.   

Pj ran in and hugged me I felt numb like something important was missing "you were talking in your sleep" errors glitched out voice sounded angry "about geno" error said glitching more and he crashed, I stared not blinking or showing any emotion I felt like I was slipping away it went black all I heard was everyone yelling then " she crashed" those words stuck in my head until it was light again mom was holding me I was crying purple. Error stared sadly he finally spoke "it will happend again" he said almost emotionless.

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