Chapter 1 A new sister

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Fresh's POV

I wake up to hear crying from mom's room "Ma?" I walk to the door "ma?" I say again a little louder. My eyebrows go into a anger position I open the door, Mom has a little skeleton in a blanket. Something inside me felt 'happy'?. "Mom who's that" I ask dropping my lingo "fresh?" Mom looks up "this is your new baby sister" mom says. I walk over the little skeleton opens her eyes in one is her soul the other a simple tiny dot. Mom looked kinda sad now "ma" she shots me a look of 'no'

Errors POV

I wake up to hear muffled talking I swear if fresh woke up geno, slowly walking down the hallway mom's room is open . Walking in I see a small skeleton in fresh's hands he's smiling I bet it's fake. "Error?" Mom looks at me "What " my voice is kinda glitched "meet your sister" mom says I walk over the little skeleton has a simple tiny dot for one of her eyes "ugh she's gonna be like him. " I say stomping back to my room and falling asleep. I wake up in the morning to fresh waking me "there ya are brah ma wants-" I hit him in the gut.

Fresh's POV

I fall to the ground with a throbing stomach. "Don't ever wake me again!" Error yells hitting me again "ERROR STOP" genos in the door way error looks at me and hits me again before stomping out of the room. I sit up and walk down stairs Craft ( The Little sister) is in mom's hands while she's cooking dinner " fresh?" She looks at me "ma?" My visions gone blurry everything turns black all I hear is errors hateful words.I wake up in a hospital geno is asleep in a chair error is play a game smiling as he beat any other level a burning a feeling in my neck hurts I cough witch startled my mom." Fresh- thank goodness" she sighed of relief Error grumbled, geno woke up and smiled at me I notice my glasses are off so I look around for them mom notices and hands me them." Thanks ma" I say my voice hurts to talk mom takes notice of this " keep your strength" she says.

( Done. 388 Words are done)

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