MWPSB: Part 4

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Chapter 5: MWPSB: Part 4

Her vision clouded by red, "That was all you wanted?!" She let out a feral growl. "ARE. YOU. FUCKING. KIDDING ME?!" Her voice was in a roar of anger as she took a step towards him, her eyes narrowed and lips pulled back into a snarl. Satsuki was livid. "You took innocent children from their homes and probably killed them just because you wanted the pass code to my account?! Do you understand how completely idiotic that is?!" Satsuki saw the man take a step back, "No don't move. Move and I'll be more angry." The woman stated with a dry, forced laugh. "You took away their normalcy... their lives... for the sake of that shit?! You took away MY normalcy for this?!" She could not stop her hands from balling into fists as she suddenly ran at him and kicked the side of his head.

Falling to his side, the man groaned in pain.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Satsuki shouted as she stepped on his ribs. "Your own children! Who's lives I already ruined because of you! YOU TOOK THEM AWAY FROM THEIR HOMES!!?" She put a lot of pressure on his ribs till she suddenly heard a satisfying crack and shrill scream of agony coming from the man below her foot. In her anger, she started to kick closer to his heart and a grin found its way to her lips.

Hearing a crack from another rib made her chuckle lowly. "Your a low life piece of crap. I hope you know that." Satsuki said as she lifted up her foot a bit, aiming to hit his skull, though didn't think she could crush it, but maybe fracture it. "Because it take 520 pounds to crush a human skull... I'll just step on you with as much force as I can, till your skull is crushed.. so maybe about 40- 52 times?~" She cooed before bringing her foot down with much intended force.

"Mikazuki!" Stopping mere centimeters from his face she let a sideways gaze travel to the black haired Enforcer that had gotten her involved in the case in the first place, "Stay out of this Kougami."

"No. Think about what you're doing." He pointed his Dominator at the woman who had a look of a wild fox staring at it's pray. "Your crime coefficient is 636.9." The dominator suddenly changed from its none lethal mode to elimination. She knew what that meant. He turned it to Hiroshi, "458..." He stated, loud enough for her to hear.

"Let me kill him.." She growled as she set her foot on Hiroshi's head but didn't put too much pressure on it. The notion was so tempting she was about to apply 100 times more pressure than she currently was.

"Mikazuki!" Ginoza shouted as he came up from the stairs and pointed his Dominator at Satsuki now.

A groan left Satsuki as she looked down at her father, "Kill me..." She said as she put more pressure into her foot, "Kill the monster... Kiyoko and Kyo are in the closet in my bedroom... make sure they're safe..." And without waiting much longer a grin found its way to her lips when she heard the satisfying crack sound from his skull and continued to stomp on the mans head till her foot broke his skull, ignoring his pained screams before his body became limp. Instinctively, however, she managed to dodge the blast of the dominators. She hadn't planned on dodging but her body had moved on it's own.

"Been a pleasure..." Satsuki lied as she walked towards them and stopped in front of Ginoza, "Just had to say that before I die." Standing in front of the gun that just shot at her, she made it now point dead between her eyes, her crazed grin turned into a warm smile.

Maybe in death...I'll feel whole...

The thought made tears form in her eyes as she saw the familiar glow emanate from the gun point. Instead of fear embracing her, it was a sense of relief.  She closed her eyes, waiting for her inevitable end. But it never came. Instead she heard something go through the ceiling. Opening her eyes she looked to see Ginoza pointing his Dominator at the ceiling above and behind her.

"Kougami, go find Kagari. You," he glared at Satsuki as he lowered his dominator to the floor, "Show me the kids then get your ass back to the Paddy Wagon. Understand?" His tone left no room for argument.

Satsuki looked at the man with wide eyes, Kougami passing the two of them, and her mouth slightly agape. Shock could not even begin to describe how she was feeling. But she then remembered her situation. Shaking out of it she nodded and walked into her old bedroom. "Kiyoko, Kyo... its safe to come out now." She called and on que the two opened the closet door and clung to her waist in fear. Their small bodies shaking, but even though she expected it, she was still a bit startled and had almost kicked them off her. Looking at Ginoza she said, "Now how do you expect me to get back to the paddy wagon?" He looked at the the siblings, "Take them to treatment Ginoza... okay?" She sighed as she slowly pried their hands off her body.


"What? you're leaving us? Why!" they demanded.

Dread was all she could feel before it was slowly replaced with an emptiness inside her.

Chuckling Satsuki turned to them and smirked, "I never came back to you two in the first place... Don't make such idiotic assumptions. The big sis you know is a ghost. Dead to the world." She could feel a part of herself breaking at her own words, but with that she turned away from them and did as told, heading to the paddy wagon.

Sitting there she sighed deeply, and here I thought I would be able to atone my sins...

Dead to the World {Psycho-pass Fanfic}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora