MWPSB: Part 1

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Chapter 2

Once it had been decided it didn't take long for preparations to be made, and by noon Satsuki Mikazuki was temporarily released from the facility and was taken to the MWPSB. They had even provided her with a new outfit to wear while outside of the facility, consisting of a red tank top, black skinny jeans, and red flats. Even gave her a hair tie to tie her long, crimson hair back.

When they finally arrived in Ginoza's and Kougami's team's office, Satsuki sat on a chair and curiously looked around the room. Glancing at not only the room itself, but the people that worked within it's environment. A black haired woman with pretty eyes, an old man with a mechanical prosthetic hand, the asshole and that enforcer that got me here, and a Ginger with big brown eyes. She mentally noted before leaning back in her chair. She felt really out of place... It was hard not to and all she wanted to do was hide beneath a rock or to crawl back into her room at the facility.

Kougami must've picked up on her uneasiness, "Look on the bright side, Miss Mikazuki. Its Kagari's first day too." He said pointing to the ginger male who seemed to be close around her age if not the same. His unruly getting into his eyes.

Kagari's hands were behind his head and a bored expression was on his face before he finally looked at Satsuki. His eyes trailed up and down her body as a smile edged onto his lips, "Hot. I approve, and your on the team?"

"Its just this one time. I don't plan on being a dog for long." The woman hissed at him before she leaned against the chair again and looked away. "And don't call me hot." She added before turning away from the ginger and towards Kougami, who was smirking down at her with a smug expression.

"It's like you're asking to get punched." Satsuki grumbled before she drawled. "Can we just hurry up and find them?" The woman loved her siblings dearly, however it was her fault that they were separated... It was all her fault for destroying the normalcy they deserved... It was all her doing. She felt as if she had no right to even hope to see them again. She believed she deserved nothing past the white room she had grown accustomed to, the every now and then bot bringing her what she ordered, conversing with Tachibana for long whiles at night through the glass, always checking her Psycho-pass. Having that same nightmare she had been having since she had been set into her new normalcy. She deserved the life she was given as a latent criminal. 

"Alright."Ginoza's voice broke Satsuki from her thoughts along with everyone's attention, and gesturing them to look at the screen, "The man we're looking for is named Hiroshi Meikawa. He was last seen at the district," He made a circle around a certain district in the city, which happened to be the area where Satsuki had grown up. Suddenly that horrible feeling she had gotten from the moment they came to see her, grew 100 times worse. A heavy sense of dread weighed heavily on her... Memories flashed through her mind like small clips of a movie before she was snapped back into reality by Ginoza once more, "Satsuki Mikazuki is here to help find this man."

Satsuki, now focused on the present, was looking at the highlighted areas, before she slowly walked over to the screen after much thought.

"He has been confirmed to be the one who has abducted several children in that area. However, the last note on the scene that was left with the families said '1,000,000¥ and get me little Suki' we need to find the person-"

W... What...?

Satsuki felt her body tense up before she turned to Ginoza with anger. Just that clumsily placed note gave her the full situation. That note made sense as to why she was there, and why it was her younger siblings who were taken. "Why didn't you tell me that when you first met me, damnit!" In her blind anger, Satsuki reached out and grabbed Ginoza by the collar, pulling him close as her lips pulled back into a sneer. 

The whole room tensed up as Satsuki became very hostile, but she didn't seem to care in the least, or rather she didn't care enough to notice.

"Because you never asked." Kougami answered for Ginoza.

Satsuki only glared at the two before growling as she released the inspector. She was getting mad on a hunch. That was it. After taking a few deep breaths Satsuki thought about it, My hunches are usually right though... And I hope to all things unholy that this is one of those rare times I'm just being conceited and I turn out wrong. She looked back at the screen intently, seeing if she could find a connection that she could work with, seeing the places where all the children were taken. It didn't take her long to notice it... These are places my friends used to live.. The park we used to go to back in middle school. Her brow furrowed as her eyes did not hide her uneasiness as she started to realize the man they were searching for looked very familiar as his picture popped up on the screen.

"What is it?" Kougami asked.

"My old house."


"That's where he has got to be... I don't know about where the other children are... but that's where he's waiting..." Satsuki stated as she lifted her hand up to the screen and clicked on her house, causing the picture to turn into a satellite image and enlarge the view of the front of her house. The dread now gripped at her heart... She wanted to disappear. 


The Crimson haired woman sat in the Paddy Wagon with the other enforcers. Despite being away from Ginoza, she still seemed to be in a rather less than happy mood. She leaned on her knees with her elbows on her thighs and her head planted on the top of her hands and she kept thinking, staring down at the floor. The only person to ever refer to her as Suki was her father. Thought to be dead in the Mikazuki Massacre 7 years ago. I swear he died that night...

She thought that he was dead this whole time yet here he was... no. This might not even be him, nor could it be highly accurate that the "Little Suki" this man was referring to, was herself. This was all on a hunch and the only reason they were on their way to her old place was because she acting on an impulse triggered by that name... 

She was 80% sure that this wasn't gonna work out and she would be wrong. The other 20% you ask? That part of her believed she was right. That her impulses were right like they are all the time... then again, her impulsive behavior is what cost her her original normalcy... and family...

She thought long and hard on what she would be able to do if she was in the same room as her two younger siblings, that she ruined their lives, and her father, whom ruined her own. Would she be able to watch as the enforcers possibly kill her father, despite all the wrongs he's done... could she stand and watch it go down. Fuck yes I would... I'd do it for them.

Of course, she had the Criminal Coefficient of someone who would gladly rip the man apart but... She never acted correctly as her Coefficient described her. No... she was always surprising others by her coefficient... it used to be 698.0 but as the years passed it gradually went down. Not much if you ask her but just enough to make the doctors a little more comfortable when checking her.

Letting out a deep sigh she shook her head a bit then started to focus on the present.

"What's your guess on who this person is?" Kougami asked.

"My father..." She replied in a small voice before she leaned back on the wall of the Paddy wagon and stared up at the ceiling. "What a reunion." She whispered sardonically.

Dead to the World {Psycho-pass Fanfic}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant