MWPSB: Part 3

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Chapter 4: MWPSB: Part 3

The two enforcers followed close behind Satsuki while the rest went through the back and whoever was left stayed surrounding the house as a countermeasure if she or Hiroshi decided to make a beeline for freedom. The fact slightly irritated the red head however said nothing about it.

Instead she paid attention to the path to her home. Looking down at the ground as a wave of melancholy washed over her. She remembered her days from years ago, noting that the same old cracks, stains, and plants still where they were back in her childhood, and after so long, grew larger, in the exact same spot.

When the three finally reached the front door she sighed deeply at the amateurishly covered hold on the bottom corner she had made out of a small tantrum she had when she was 5. "Can't believe the realtors didn't get that fixed." Satsuki whispered before finally reaching for the doorknob and slowly opening it up, cautiously. Now a wave of anxiety washed over her, and her limbs suddenly felt heavier as memories she tried desperately to push away started to push back. 

Once everyone slipped inside the large interior Kougami slowly closed it behind them with a faint click. Satsuki lifted a finger up to her lips as she glanced at the two behind her, signalling them to be quiet. The two only nodded before following the woman into the hallway. Once at the end, immediately Satsuki looked to her right to see the fights of stairs leading up and then to her left, another set going down into the basement.

"You and Kagari go upstairs. I'll go down." Kougami ordered in a whisper.

With little to no time to argue Satsuki and Kagari nodded before silently heading upstairs.

The stairs didn't creak as much as she thought they would've, though her small anxiety had made her feel as if the steps would break under her and Kagari's added weight.

The memories that pushed back were unfortunately unhappy ones...

"Takashi! Satsuki isn't in the room, did she go to Kida's?"

The two had made it upstairs, and as if instinct, Satsuki allowed her feet to move on their own and lead her and Kagari somewhere. That's when she realized where she was heading. "My room.." She mumbled as she suddenly quickened her pace and stopped at the bright redwood door with drawings of flowers, cats and dogs, and a happy family... expertly made...

She remember she had drawn them when she just turned 10, on the floor of her room, and that she was so upset with her older brother... He was such an ass sometimes... He hadn't gone to her song recital. She was so disappointed she didn't want to eat Matarashi Dango with everyone else once they had gotten home.

Her mind screamed at her to open it, but her heart refused. Satsuki's hand was placed on the doors knob but it refused to move against her will. She didn't want to open it... She was scared. The anxiety building up to the point her body almost felt like lead.

"No that brat should still be in her room."

She could feel Kagari's eyes staring at her, burning a hole in her back. Satsuki knew she had to open it. And once she had gotten to that point her body moved without her consent and slowly she opened the door for the two of them. Her hands slowly trembling as she cautiously walked into the lavender colored room, darker shades of purple for the furniture, white sheets for the bed, and the floor a dark brown wood. She took note that her dresser and coat rack were missing, but everything else remained the same.

Out of nowhere, as she felt the memories of the room rush back, she heard a small whimper. Satsuki turned her head towards the noise like a dog who just heard an unfamiliar noise.

"Maybe you were-"

"Shh..hold on.." Satsuki interrupted in a whisper as she put a finger to her lips, shooting Kagari a look.

Another whimper and this time Kagari heard it. "Where is that coming from?"

"Stay right there...Kay?" Satsuki said as she slowly and cautiously walked towards her old closet door around her bed, thinking, If I'm right...This might startle him... She got a hold of the door knob and slowly opened it. Suddenly a pair of harmonized shrieks reached their ears and she looked to see two red haired teens with golden eyes with small silver flecks around their corneas.

Covering their ears Kagari walked over and saw Kiyoko and Kyo, the twins who recently went missing, holding each other protectively.

"Oi.. Shut up you two or you're gonna get us killed." Satsuki hissed as she started to hear a ringing in her ears.

"Big sis?" The two spoke lightly, disbelief in their eyes.

"Yeah... shit y'all got lungs. I have half a mind to-" But before she could finish she stopped when she felt their arms flung around her waist.

Satsuki's eyes widened, "You came to save us!" They chorused.

Shaking her head to rid herself of her initial shock, she then looked towards Kagari, "You go check the other rooms. I'm sure Ginoza heard the screams these two made. Also whoever took them. See if you can't find him hiding in the other rooms." She stated, to which Kagari nodded before leaving down to hall.

Sparring a glance at the two that latched themselves around her waist she was unsure how to act since she hadn't seen them since they were much smaller. But figuring she wouldn't be staying with them long, she decided to figure out who to direct all her anger towards. "Kiyoko... Kyo... Who is the man who took you?" She asked as she slowly pried their arms away from her waist.

"It was daddy..." Their voices filled with horror.

"I was afraid of that." Satsuki sighed before she all of a sudden heard a distinct thud. She looked towards the doorway of her old room, hearing heavy footsteps walk towards their direction. "Get in the closest. Now." She ordered lowly. The two obeyed and ran inside where they had been hiding before, closing the door with them.

Slowly walking under the doorway, she stopped in her tracks as a man with pitch black hair and silver eyes came into view, a large crazed grin on his face. Her eyes were fixated on the man that was only halfway down the hall.

"Hiroshi.. wish I could say it was nice to see you alive." She said with a nervous expression.

"My little Suki! ~ Its soooo nice to see you." The man drawled as he walked closer towards her.

"What do you want exactly? What was the point of taking them?" Satsuki asked as she backed closer towards the stairs. "Where's Kagari?" She added, wondering if he was the source of the earlier thud.

"Oh that ginger haired man? He's on the floor of Hinako's room." The man stated happily. "And I wanted to see my lovely daughter again~" He looked his daughter up and down, "You've seemed to grow into such a breathtaking woman... You've grown with such curves... modestly endowed just like your mother." He took a step forward. "I just wanted to catch up... why not start by telling me what's the pass code to your savings account?"

Satsuki stopped moving as those words processed in her mind. "What?" She growled confused. That's what you wanted?!  She thought as her hands began to shake in anger. It was like all she could see was red... with his blood. I'll kill you...

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