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Peter Ellis' POV

August 8, 2018

I'm now twenty-seven years old. and I haven't found my mother's killer yet. Ever since that day, the only goal I have is to look for that man and kill him. I don't care if he has a family or what. He will pay for everything. He needs to pay for the life he took and the only payment that I will accept is his life. Before, I lack power, but now, I will never stop and will never be stopped in pursuing this goal I have. I am now the most well-known artist here in Europe because of the skills I possesses in painting and the successful art gallery I established 3 years ago. Even though I'm well-known and from Europe, my works are well-known all over the world that's why I have so many connections that I know for sure would be my asset for this goal I have. Yes, I'm an artist, and I make lots of money because of that. Thousands of people give millions of dollars just for them to own one of my paintings. Painting has been my obsession since the day my mother passed away, and I'm thankful that it helped me become who I am right now. I'm where I am right now because of my own blood, sweat, and tears. I don't take pity from anyone else. I am strong and I will never let anyone else see my weakest points. If you're successful, of course everyone will love you, but as of now, my heart will never open until I my hand is soaking in my mother's killer's blood. I bet it's nicer than the relaxing baths I had before. Oh, how this man turned me into a monster. A monster that would soon devour him.

My mother is the sweetest woman in this world and I will never, ever understand why that man killed her, the one I only trust, love, and adore. He doesn't deserve breathing the same air I breathe. He doesn't deserve everything he have now. He doesn't deserve wherever he is right now. In short, he doesn't deserve to live.

For 17 years, I've been soaking from the wrath that has blinded me. Despite all of this, I still do make friends, but only one knows how much I had suffered before. Only one knows who I am and who will I become someday. Only one knows that I will be a murderer someday. Is it wrong to kill a killer? Please tell me not and tell me instead that it's.a pleasure.

After crying inside the closet, watched my mother died and trails of her blood were left in my arms. I was traumatised. I didn't talk to anyone and it took me 7 months to be able to speak to the investigators, but they were no help.

After what happened, I became a person who doesn't know forgiveness and I will never forgive easily someone who hurt me especially the man who killed my mother. I will never show mercy even they kneel in front of me and cry until their tears mix with blood. I had enough and thinking of the man who killed my mother smiling makes me bitter. If my mother doesn't deserve to smile for a lifetime, then he doesn't deserve to smile also. I'm an artist, with hands that work like magic that's why they call me, "The man with gifted hands," but they don't know, it could be an angel or monster using these hands. It's so thrilling, actually. People nowadays are so blind that I'm getting tired of it. They just praise my work and stand in awe. They never really dig deeper. They just wanted to see what's in the surface and ignore what really my work conveys. So naive. So blind. It makes my stomach churns.

I go to my painting room, one of my havens, to simmer down my boiling blood because of thinking of that man again, but who can blame me? Will you also forget the man or woman who killed someone special to you? If you do, then, we will never be friends. I sit down on my chair that has paints splattered on it. It's kind of satisfying to see my room such a mess because of my talent. I never imagined that I will become an influential person just because of this. I thought that I need to be a powerful, successful business man to gain power and control something. I guess success comes in weird ways, but mine is the beautiful way. I pick up my brush that were lying beside my palette and start to finish what I have started.

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