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Running. That's all I would be doing in a dream. But from who or what, I don't know.

Murders have been going on lately, and I'm scared. They seem to be getting closer, and closer to my neighborhood. They were the reason I moved from Missouri in the first place. That and when my friends disappeared I had no one but my grandparents left.

I love my grandparents, but I had to get away. I hope my psychiatrist is right and these feelings and nightmares will go away.

Ashley had been writing in his journal for the past two hours, after waking up from another terrifying nightmare. It was almost six O'clock when he heard the sound of police sirens nearby, steadily getting closer.

Getting out from the warmth of his bed, Ashley went to check what was happening. As Ashley went to the window of his bedroom, he saw ambulances, police cars, and fire engines at his neighbor's house. Ashley's eyes widened as he saw two policemen carry a stretcher with a body on it, even though there was a sheet covering the body, Ashley could see blue hair poking out. “Juliet, no.” Ashley whispered in sorrow, and fear. Juliet was one of his friends after he moved to California, apart from Kina who was his friend since childhood. Kina was there to support him when he came out as gay when bullies would attack him.

“This is the police!” a gruff voice said braking Ashley from his thoughts, he quickly through some jeans on and ran downstairs, unlocked the front door to see two policemen. “We’re sorry to interrupt your morning sir, but because you are the neighbor we have to ask you some questions.” the tall one said. Ashley nodded “Okay. Ask me anything. But can I ask something first?” Ashley asked. “Of course son.” the more gray haired one said. Ashley looked at Juliet's house and looked at the cops. “What happened to Juliet?” Ashley asked. The cops looked at each other for a moment, before the tall one said, “I'm not sure you want t-” “Juliet was my friend. I want to know what happened to her.” Ashley said cutting the cop off. The cops looked at each other again before one of them nodded and handed Ashley some photos. Once he saw them, Ashley felt like he was going to be sick, the photos of what was left of Juliet were gruesome. Blood was everywhere, organs were missing, and some places of the body was cut to ribbons. “They followed me.” Ashley whispered, the cops tried calming him down, but Ashley was already in a panicked state of mind. “Son calm down.” one of the officers said. Ashley quickly handed the photos back, and ran inside slamming the door. “Eah, Missourians.” the taller one said and they left the house.

On the other side of the door Ashley was having a massive panic attack and was on his way to blacking out, “Not again, God please not again.” Ashley whispered before completely blacking out, but not before he saw four figures standing above him, one was wearing a blue mask with no mouth, and a sticky looking black substance leaking from the eyes, another had glowing yellow eyes, one was wearing black and white stripes, and had a line of paint going across his eyes and feathers around his shoulders, and sea blue eyes, and the fourth had pale skin, blue eyes as well as the other man, but this one had piercing blue eyes that looked like ice, and a grotesque smile. And what scared Ashley the most, was how they looked like Andy, Jake, CC, and Jinxx. ‘Andy’ knelt down so that he was level with Ashley and said, “Don't worry Ashley, we'll be back soon.” And Ashley blacked out.

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