I don't understand why Ethan is being such a douchebag about this whole situation. It's not like I purposely let Fergie look at my naked body. What really pisses me off is what he said about me not having respect for myself. I don't do to well with sexist comments. If a lady wants to be naked and let a man look at her—not that it's what I was doing—then let her.

"Okay." Ethan snaps.

He doesn't say anything else after that.

Tamara shouldn't have said anything. I don't typically tell Ethan about boys because he's very protective. He's a guy, so he knows how guys operate; he's told me numerous times that he doesn't want me to get hurt.

"We didn't say anything about you when you told us you hooked up with Josie." Tamara points out.

"Right." I agree.

"That's different." He shakes his head.

"Not really."

"How so?"

"It just is."

"Boys and their double standards." I snicker to myself, shaking my head.


"Fergie, do you ever go home?" I groan when the door to my room opens and Fergie walks in.

"Now you know this is my home away from." He chuckles, plopping down on my desk chair.

"What do you want?"

"Devin's in the shower. Thought I'd come mess with you." He shrugs his shoulders.

"Clearly, I don't wanna be messed with. Leave me alone."

"What are you watching?" He nods his head to the television.

"This show called Riverdale."

"I can't stand that show."

"Get out my room. This is the best show ever." I point to my doorway.

"Relax, I said I couldn't stand it, not that I wouldn't watch it with you." He turns his head to face the television and begins watching it.

I try to look at him when he's not looking. My eyes travel from his hair to his defined chin and sculpted body. I can tell he's not interested in the TV show at all. I don't know what he's still doing in here.

"Stare any harder will you." He mumbles and I nearly sink into my bed from embarrassment.

"Boy, I wasn't staring at you." I lie, rolling my eyes.

"Okay!" He sarcastically says.

He has always teased me, ever since we were little. It's like he teases me more after what happened in the bathroom. I'd be lying if I said I didn't like the attention I've been getting, but I'm just not used to it.

"Fergie, for real, get out of my room."

"Make me." He smirks.

I get off my bed and walk over to Fergie, grabbing his arm with both my hands. I try to pull him up, but to my disadvantage, he weighs too much. I struggle to pull him up, my feet sliding forward on the floor. He ends up pulling me forward even more, causing me to fall down on top of his lap.

"If you wanted to sit on me, all you had to do was say so." He jokes.

"Why is everything so funny to you? Can you be serious for once." I groan.

"Why are you always so uptight all the time?"

"I am not!" I scoff.

"Yes, you are." He nods his head and places a hand on my forearm. His sudden movement kind of reminds me that I'm still sitting on his lap. I'm about to freak out. I wonder if he can feel my heart beating fast.

"I have a proposition for you." He says.

"What?" I narrow my eyes, nonetheless, I'm interested in what he has to say.

"My cousins have a lake house in Sumner. Devin and some of our friends are going out this weekend to hangout, you should come." He states.

First of all, it's too damn chilly outside to be going to a lake. What will they even do there? I doubt they'll go swimming in the lake, unless they want hypothermia. I'm not too keen on lake houses either. When I think of lakes and lake houses, I think of cabins in the woods. They are basically the same exact thing. Cabins in the woods lead to serial killers. I watch too much television; I'd like to blame my superstition on the horror movies I grew up watching.

"I don't know." I shrug my shoulders.

"Oh come on, it'll be fun." He nudges his head against my shoulder and I almost lose it.

Before he somehow finds out that I have feelings for him, I quickly hop off his lap and stand in front of him. I had to get away from him, my body was going insane.

"I guess." I nod my head. "But y'all better not make me feel like I don't exist."

"You can ride with me, if you want." He suggests.

"Who else is riding with you?"


He stands up from the chair, which is right in front of me. He looks at me for a few seconds, as if he's contemplating something. I've known him basically my whole life; I know that look. He wants to say something, but he isn't going to say it. He does this thing when he furrows his eyebrows and bites his lip. Some people might think he's confused, but he really is holding back from saying something. Spend enough time crushing on someone for the longest and you'll start to notice their habits.

"Anything else you want?" I chuckle, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Nope." He shakes his head and walks toward my door.

"Don't come back in here either." I laugh.

"Wouldn't even dream of it." He winks and walks out of my bedroom.

I'm not getting over this crush anytime soon.


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