Chapter II

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The forest was enveloped in a soft curtain of fog, fresh scent of dew covering the air as they sat on the branch of a tree. Emma dragged her fingers on Jean's hand, watching the alluring expression on her face as she passed her tongue over her lip. Jean turned to look back at her, smiling with the side of her lips.

"You are missing out on the gorgeous moon."

"I don't care when you're right here."

She laughed and tilted her head to the side, her red locks lolling over her shoulders. Emma smiled and dragged her fingers over Jean's arm, gaining a provoked stare from her.

"I'd love to take you right here and now," she murmured, pulling her hand back shortly after, "But let's not digress. We are here to enjoy the night."

Emma gave a dissatisfied sigh but complied, picking at a bark on the tree as she swung her legs below the branch. The sky was indeed beautiful tonight, bringing her mood up not long after as she gazed up at the moon.

"Does it ever bother you? The beast I mean."

Emma asked as she watched the cloud of dust particles illuminated by the moon. Jean gave her a solemn look.

"Sometimes, sometimes not. It definitely takes up a space in your mind."

She sighed, a look of melancholy on her beautiful face.

"To be honest, I don't even remember how it feels to be alone in your own head anymore."

* * *

Emma traversed through the forest path to the mansion, going past a tense row of bushes as she walked into the opening. This side of the mansion was untouched with no marks to be seen, saving her the hassle of flashbacks. She was still steeling her nerves from earlier and it would all feel like a dream if not for the rips on her clothes. Then it occurred to her that she was still wearing the hoodie Caleb gave her, taking it off and making it into a roll under her arm. Her mind was flooded with questions after their exchange. The door to the mansion opened before she reached it, Danielle stepping outside with first surprise and then worry on her face.


Her eyes went over to the dried up blood on her hands and she stepped back, holding the door open. Emma followed her inside.

"What happened to you?"

Emma dropped onto a wide couch in the lobby and flexed her back, her body was still sore from healing up. Dominic was also inside the hall and glanced up from the book he was reading.

"I might have found some new information."

"And that doesn't answer my question."

It almost felt like Danielle was a mother scolding her child as she stood there with her arms crossed, and Emma couldn't blame her. After Jean's disappearance she hadn't been acting in her right mind, often leaving the mansion unannounced and disappearing for days to follow. She knew the others were just as worried or at least curious as her. Camille was the one taking care of all the vampire diplomacy there was to handle, careful to keep all eyes away from their situation. Dominic often tried to investigate the tracks left behind, but it didn't go too far before he was left clueless again. It had all been going in a hopeless circle up until that point.

"I was attacked by a group of vampires. Anarchs, supposedly."

Dominic raised a brow at that,

"I didn't know they picked up random fights now."

"You know about them?"

Emma asked as she leaned forward and Danielle sighed in defeat before she plopped down on the couch next to her.

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