Chapter XII

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Emma felt the tension build up inside her as they made their way through the thick crowd with Jes. She held her breath trying to calm herself down, but Jes looked oddly confident and sure of herself. She watched her features as they walked. The black hair she had tucked behind her ear revealed the tattoos along her neck with soft, connecting lines going up to her cheeks. The tattoos were more visible compared to Caleb on her dark skin. Her eyes were sharp and her jawline long and thin like a wolf, making her look oddly enchanting and dangerous.

"Plan on staring for more?"

Their eyes met for a second and Emma pulled back with the gaze.

"I was curious about your tattoos."

"I got them during my first ritual," her fingers trailed on her neck, going over the familiar lines, "It's permanent once it's given to you, just like the ones I gave Caleb."

"They suit you."

She looked back with a raised brow, then looked forward again as they walked.

"I got used to them long ago, so I forget they exist sometimes."

Emma felt a pair of eyes on her as they walked into a new part of the town, taking a glance to the side to realize a few people, probably Anarchs staring at her.

"Keep alert, we're here."

Emma nodded, keeping close to Jes to prevent herself from feeling like a prey. She felt the movement of someone following behind but tried to ignore it, seeing Caleb hanging out near the entrance of a club. Jes waved at him shortly before being stopped by someone in front of the door.

"We don't let randos in this place."

Jes raised her brows, holding the hand of the guy and making him freeze up in his place.

"Don't worry, I can let myself in."

Something like fear passed over the guys eyes before he fell down with a soft chanting from Jes. That seemed to fire up the other kindred near the building and one walked in looking ready to fight. Another girl stepped up, the tension rising.

"You really think you can take on all of us?"

"We can try and see."

Emma saw Jes's hand move over to one of the vials in her pockets, but before she could attack someone walked out of the door, holding his hand up to the kindred nearby and calming them down.

"Jes, I hope you didn't show up here to mess with the kindred."

Jes pulled her hand back from the pocket, looking at the kin in front of her.

"I simply came here to solve a problem Alex."

"By fighting?"

"Preferably not."

She stepped to the side with which Emma saw the guy better. His black hair was cut very short, leaving his bright eyes in the open. His red jacket complimented his dark skin, way darker than Caleb, and a necklace sat on top of his bare chest. His presence was noticeable between all of the other kindred, something about his voice holding a lot of charisma and calmness. He looked at Emma, and then at Jes again.

"Your people are pretty intent on murdering my friend here."

"I'm sure they wouldn't attempt violence without a reason."

"Sorry, let me correct myself." she cleared her throat, "Inga can't keep her anger in check and it's extremely inconvenient."

A sigh left his lips as if guessing what had happened and he rubbed the bridge of his nose.

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