Chapter IV

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Emma looked down at her hands, covered with the blood of her victim. A beige dress stained with red, body sprawled lifeless in her arms. A wave of feelings washed over her head; confusion, ecthasy, guilt... Her hands were shaking with the rush of being able to crush life under them.

And it felt amazing.


Like a curtain of fog disappearing from her view Emma took a step back, staring at the girl that was just in her arms. The girl was totally out of it as she leaned on the wall but looked pretty alive and well. Emma couldn't move for a second, had she not just murdered someone?

"You okay?"

Dominic called out again,

"And here I thought-"

His amused words came to a halt when he saw the expression on Emma's face, she looked petrified. When she stumbled back and risked falling Dominic quickly caught her arm to keep her standing. Emma looked up to check again, nobody in the room was dead, only dazzled and confused. She snapped out of her trance when Dominic stepped in front of her and held her shoulders, trying to understand what was wrong.

"Hey, we can leave if you want."

She was quiet for a moment before shaking her head,

"No, no I'm fine."

Dominic raised a brow,

"You sure don't look like it."

He let go of her after making sure she could stand and wiped a drop of blood from the side of his lips.

"I would say it's due to you being a fledgeling, but knowing all the carnage Jean subjected you to I doubt that's the case."

Emma took a moment to collect her thoughts before she could look up again.

"I just saw myself killing someone."

Dominic tilted his head in a confused manner,

"You saw?"

Emma looked at her hands. It wasn't the killing itself that had been disturbing, it was the excitement of doing it. She knew such a feeling couldn't belong to her, it had passed over her body like a shot of ecthasy given against her will. The details were getting blurred with each second that passed like the aftermath of a dream, who was it that she saw?

"I can't remember..."

Was it someone she knew? It didn't feel like it. She was sure she had never seen the girl yet there was such a strong feeling of attachement and resentment. She shook her head.

"You didn't accidently drink too much did you?"

Dominic pulled her near the entrance of the hotel room, leaving her leaning on the frame while he checked outside.

"I don't think so."

Emma licked her teeth and noticed the fresh taste. She remembered following Dominic through the halls accompanied by a group of laughing people all swooning over them. A hand brushed against another, a step taken too close to be a coincidence. Those people had been into them but Emma didn't remember the rest after they got inside the room. It was obvious she had fed but there was a huge dent in the line of events, something was blocking her memory.

"How long have we been here?"

Dominic walked back inside and closed the door. Nobody in the room looked like they were aware of what had just happened.

"Around an hour I think, it's easy to lose track of time while feeding."

Emma looked around them and noticed that none of the people had any remaining bite marks, signs of pleasure and happiness still lingering on their faces. Oh, right. They have been hanging out with ghouls.

Fangs of Desire (Book II) (Completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz