Chapter XVI

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Vihan tapped on the table, looking at his finished coffee cup.

"What you're saying is, you plan on taking Jean out of this place and setting her loose outside?"

"No, I plan on taking her somewhere she can calm down and get help."

Vihan frowned at that.

"Damn... I dunno if that's gonna work out girl, but that isn't gonna stop you is it."

He sighed and took his phone, dialing up a number. It wasn't even a few seconds before the line connected, Emma could hear both ends thanks to her sensitive hearing. Vihan made a short explanation of what's going on to Kat before reaching the phone out to her. Emma quickly picked it up.


There was a short pause before she spoke up.

"How bad is it?"

"She... doesn't recognize me."

There was another pause, Emma could almost feel Kat nodding in thought.

"So, worse than that one time."

Emma sighed. There was something heavy on her shoulders and a feeling inside her said this was going to be worse than what Kat had told her about. She had one plan, and hoped with all her being that it would work.

"I actually have a question, I think there's someone who could help us."

"And that person is?"

"Have you heard of someone called Marius?"

Although there was silence at first, Emma could hear the suprirse in Kat's voice when she spoke.

"Marius, Marius Devienne? How do you know about him?"

"I heard the crusader talk about him, said he is a descendant as well. Crusader is that bastard who captured Jean, he said they could be equal in power."

"Then that is him... But it's not that easy to find him. I will still try looking through my contacts."

"You have to be a little fast, I don't know how to contain Jean until then."

"Emma, we don't even know if he'll agree to help us. We have to find another way until then."

She was right. Emma had one plan and it was dependant on a person that she didn't even know yet.

"Gosh, this is all a mess..."

She leaned back on an arm rest, rubbing her temples.

"I will try my best but she almost mauled me to death, I don't know how to approach this."

"At least try to stay alive until then, and keep her alive as well. I will let Vihan know once I have more information."

Emma nodded, then realized Kat can't see it and felt a little stupid.

"Yeah, okay, I'll try my best."

She closed the phone, then reached it back to Vihan.

"Can you take me back to that street I showed you? I should get back to Caleb."

"Oh right, you still hanging with the undead duo?"

"If you mean Jes and Caleb then yes, I'm still hanging around them."

Vihan looked at her with a raised brow, seeming hesitant to talk for a while. Emma raised her brows at him questioningly and he finally spoke up.

"It's not my place to butt in but y'now, Jes seems to be kinda into you. Isn't that kinda tricky, since you're Jean's companion and all?"

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